Research on the Correction Formula for Production Traits of Breeding Swines
本研究通过对现行种猪生长性状校正公式的调查和分析,基于5种常见的生长模型,提出了新的种猪体重与日龄的校正公式.利用企业提供的2 439头公猪的生长数据,通过计算机对猪的生长曲线进行拟合,并对公式中的校正系数与拟合度进行分析,优化出效果显著的新校正公式,将目标日龄设置为达100 kg体重日龄与现行校正公式进行对比.试验表明,5个新的校正公式对测定体重30~120 kg范围内的种猪的达100 kg体重日龄的校正效果均明显优于现行校正公式.本文给出的公式对不同目标日龄的猪具有普适性,企业可根据养殖品种、地域条件等具体情况选择最合适的校正公式.本文的研究工作亦可推广到体重校正背膘厚的公式研究.
This study investigated and analyzed the current correction formulas for pig growth characteristics.Based on five common growth models,new correction formulas for pig weight in relation to age were proposed.Growth data for 2 439 boars were provided by enterprises.The growth curves of the pigs were fitted using a computer,and an analysis of the correction formula coefficients and goodness of fit was conducted.The effectiveness of the correction formulas was assessed,and the target age to reach 100 kg body weight for comparared with the current correction formulas.The experiments revealed that the five new correction formulas significantly outperformed the current correction formulas for correcting to 100 kilograms for pigs with weights in the range of 30 kilograms to 120 kilograms.The formulas proposed in this study exhibit versatility across different target ages,allowing enterprises to choose the most suitable correction formula based on factors such as breeding varieties and regional conditions.The research conducted in this paper can also be extended to the formulation of formulas for weight correction based on backfat thickness.
中国农业大学理学院,北京 100083中国农业大学理学院,北京 100083中国农业大学理学院,北京 100083上海祥欣畜禽有限公司/上海种猪工程技术研究中心,上海 201302中国农业大学理学院,北京 100083中国农业大学理学院,北京 100083中国农业大学理学院,北京 100083
boarweightagegrowth traitscorrection formulasnonlinear models
《中国猪业》 2024 (3)