Selection Experiment of Corn Varieties in Cold and Cool Regions of Northern Xinjiang
为了提高玉米产量,促进农业增产、农民增收,开展了品种筛选试验,以筛选出适宜北疆冷凉区种植的优良玉米品种.结果表明,参试的13个玉米品种熟期相对适中,各品种生育期均早于对照丰垦139,早熟2~7 d,说明各品种在此种植区域皆能安全成熟.KWS9384、兆合402、新玉76、KWS7461这4个品种综合性状表现优良,产量超过对照丰垦139,增产幅度6.24%~11.76%,其中以KWS9384增产较明显,增产幅度达11.76%;KWS7461虽然较丰垦139增产,但其株高、穗位高较高,生产上易发生倒伏;吉单494产量略低于对照丰垦139,但熟期适中,抗倒伏能力强,收获时籽粒含水率较低.综合分析各玉米品种的生育期、产量等因素,适宜北疆冷凉区种植的优良玉米品种有KWS9384、兆合402、新玉76和吉单494.
In order to improve corn yield, promote agricultural yield increase, and increase farmers' income, a variety selection experiment was conducted to screen out excellent corn varieties suitable for planting in cold and cool areas of northern Xinjiang. The results showed that the 13 corn varieties tested had a relatively moderate maturity period, and all varieties had a growth period 2-7 days earlier than the control Fengken 139, which indicated that all varieties could mature safely in this planting area. The four varieties of KWS9384, Zhaohe 402, Xinyu 76 and KWS7461 showed excellent comprehensive traits, the yield exceeded that of the control Fengken139, with an increase rate of 6.24% to 11.76%. Among them, KWS9384 showed a more significant increase in yield, with an increase rate of 11.76%. Although KWS7461 had a higher yield than Fengken139, its plant height and spike position were higher, making it prone to lodging in production. The yield of Jidan 494 was slightly lower than that of the control Fengken139, but it had a moderate maturity period, strong lodging resistance, and low grain moisture content at harvest. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the growth period, yield, and other factors of various corn varieties, the excellent corn varieties suitable for planting in cold and cool regions of northern Xinjiang include KWS9384, Zhaohe 402, Xinyu 76 and Jidan 494.
哈巴河县农业农村局农业技术推广站,新疆哈巴河 836700吉林省农业科学院,吉林长春 130033吉林省农业科学院,吉林长春 130033哈巴河县农业农村局农业技术推广站,新疆哈巴河 836700吉林省农业科学院,吉林长春 130033
cornvarietygrowth periodyieldcold and cool region of northern Xinjiang
《现代农业科技》 2024 (13)