Screening of High-yield and High-quality Rice Varieties in Hilly and Cool Areas of Qiandongnan Prefecture
为筛选出适宜黔东南州丘陵冷凉区域种植的高产优质水稻新品种,以生产上应用面积较大的F优498为对照,选用市场上销售的12个优质水稻新品种在贵州省丹寨县进行比较试验.结果表明,各参试品种生长情况、农艺性状正常,均可正常结实.从产量来看,甬优1540产量最高,为10607.65 kg/hm2,极显著高于F优498,较F优498增产7.12%;其生育期为167 d,株高为108.8 cm,有效穗数为229.5万穗/hm2,穗长为20.0 cm,穗粒数为212.8粒,可作为优质稻品种在当地进一步开展示范推广.麟两优华占、蓉18优2348、荃优鄂丰丝苗及金龙优263的产量分别较F优498增产5.98%、4.55%、3.79%、0.38%,这4个品种中除金龙优263产量与F优498无显著差异外,其他3个品种产量均极显著高于F优498,可进一步多点试验示范.
In order to select new rice varieties with high-yield and high-quality suitable for cultivation in the hilly and cool areas of Qiandongnan Prefecture, this study selected 12 high-quality rice varieties in market to conduct comparative experiments in Danzhai County, Guizhou Province, using the widely cultivated F-you 498 as a control. The results showed that the growth and agronomic traits of all tested varieties were normal, and all tested varieties seeded normally. In terms of yield, Yongyou 1540 had the highest yield (10607.65 kg/hm2), which was significantly higher than F-you 498, the yield increased by 7.12% compared with F-you 498; the growth period was 167 d, plant height was 108.8 cm, effective panicles were 2.295 million/hm2, panicle length was 20.0 cm, and panicle number was 212.8. It could be further demonstrated and promoted as a high-quality rice variety in the local area. The yield of Linliangyou Huazhan, Rong 18 You 2348, Quanyou Efeng Simiao, and Jinlongyou 263 increased by 5.98%, 4.55%, 3.79% and 0.38% respectively compared with F-you 498. Among these four varieties, except for Jinlongyou 263, which had no significant difference in yield compared with F-you 498, the yield of the other three varieties was significantly higher than that of F-you 498, and further multi-point experiments and demonstrations could be conducted.
黔东南州农业科学院,贵州凯里 556000黔东南州农业科学院,贵州凯里 556000黔东南州农业科学院,贵州凯里 556000黔东南州农业农村局,贵州凯里 556000
high-quality ricevarietytraityieldhilly and cool areaQiandongnan Prefecture
《现代农业科技》 2024 (13)