Effects of Side Deep Fertilization on Yield and Benefit of Machine-transplanted Rice
为提高海陵区水稻种植水平和生产效益,提高氮肥利用率,降低肥料使用量,以海陵区主栽品种南粳 9108 作为供试水稻品种,设置不施氮肥对照、常规施肥、侧深一基一追施肥和侧深一次性施肥 4 个处理开展田间试验,研究侧深施肥对机插稻产量和效益的影响.结果表明,在机插稻侧深一基一追施肥条件下,施纯N 240 kg/hm2 时,水稻产量最高,为 9 684.00 kg/hm2;效益最高,为 24 205.20 元/hm2.
In order to improve the planting level and production efficiency of rice in Hailing District,increase the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer,and reduce the fertilization amount,this experiment used the main rice variety Nanjing 9108 in Hailing District as the test rice variety,and conducted field experiments with four treatments,including the control(no nitrogen fertilization),conventional fertilization,side deep fertilization of single base and single topdressing,and side deep one-time fertilization.The study investigated the effects of side deep fertilization on the yield and benefit of machine-transplanted rice.The results showed that under the condition of side deep fertilization of single base and single topdressing,when the pure nitrogen application amount was 240 kg/hm2,the rice yield was the highest(9 684.00 kg/hm2),and the benefit was the highest(24 205.20 yuan/hm2).
泰州市海陵区农业技术推广中心,江苏泰州 225300泰州市高港区农业农村局,江苏泰州 225300泰州市海陵区农业技术推广中心,江苏泰州 225300泰州市海陵区农业农村局,江苏泰州 225300泰州市海陵区农业农村局,江苏泰州 225300泰州市农业农村局,江苏泰州 225300
machine-transplanted riceside deep fertilizationyieldbenefit
《现代农业科技》 2024 (15)