Mechanism of Promoting Crop Nitrogen Absorption by Straw-biochar Returning to Field
Biochar contains a certain number of nutrient elements,which can promote crop growth after returning to the field,and its role in fertilizing soil has been paid more and more attention to.As an exogenous additive,biochar can also cause changes in soil physicochemical properties,affect the growth and metabolism of microorganisms,as well as the community structure,then affect the nitrogen absorption by crops.Based on the existing researches on promoting crop growth by biochar returning to field,this paper took plant nitrogen absorption behavior as the starting point,summarized the effects of biochar application on soil nitrogen storage,microbial nitrogen cycling,volatile nitrogen loss and soil nitrogen leaching.It was found that the biochar returning to field could not only directly provide available nitrogen for crop utilization,but also had a certain positive impact on reducing nitrogen leaching and increasing soil nitrogen storage due to its unique structure.Meanwhile,this paper systematically summarized the effect of straw-biochar returning to field on crop nitrogen absorption,in order to provide references for the preparation of high-quality biochar for returning to field.
长江勘测规划设计研究有限责任公司,湖北武汉 430010长江勘测规划设计研究有限责任公司,湖北武汉 430010
strawbiocharcropnitrogen absorptionsoil physicochemical propertymigration and transformationmechanism
《现代农业科技》 2024 (15)