Marking Technology and Release Effect Evaluation of Cyprinus carpio zhouhe L.in Yuqiao Reservoir
为探讨适应于桥水库鱼类规模化增殖放流效果评估的标记方法,选取于桥水库特有种类州河鲤(Cyprinus carpio zhouhe L.)为研究对象,对比可见植入荧光(VIE)标记和茜素红-S浸染(ARS)标记2种方法的标记效果.结果表明:经60 d标记养殖后,对照组州河鲤的平均存活率为95%,VIE标记组的平均存活率为94%,与对照组没有显著差异(P>0.05);ARS标记组的平均存活率为87%,与对照组有显著差异(P<0.05),VIE标记头部组和ARS标记100 mg/L浓度组标记保持率分别为60%和10%.2种标记方法对鱼类体长、体重差异不明显.在于桥水库放流5500尾标记鱼苗后,180 d内进行4次回捕共捕获州河鲤35尾,回捕率为0.637%.研究结果说明VIE标记法适合应用于短周期增殖放流效果评估.
In order to explore the marker methods for evaluation the fish stocking in Yuqiao Reservoir,Cyprinus carpio zhouhe L.,a unique species in the Yuqiao Reservoir,was selected as the research object,the effects of visible implant elastomer(VIE)tag and alizarin red-S(ARS) dip marker on Cyprinus carpio zhouhe L.were compared.The results showed that after 60 days of labeling,the average survival rates in the control and the VIE labeling group were 95% and 94%,respectively,with no significant difference compared to the control group (P>0.05);the average survival rate in the alizarin red-S labeling group was 87%,which was significantly lower than the control group (P<0.05).The re-tention rate of the visible fluorescent and alizarin red-S labeling was 60% and 10%,respectively,without no significant impacts on the length and weight of Cyprinus carpio zhouhe L..After the release of 5,500 tagged fry,a total of 35 Cyprinus carpio zhouhe L.were caught in four re-captures,the entire recapture rate was 0.637%.It indicated that the visible implant elastomer tag was suitable for the evaluation of the effect of short-cycle stock enhancement.
天津农学院水产学院天津市水产生态及养殖重点实验室,天津 300392天津市生态环境监测中心,天津 300191天津农学院水产学院天津市水产生态及养殖重点实验室,天津 300392天津市生态环境监测中心,天津 300191天津农学院水产学院天津市水产生态及养殖重点实验室,天津 300392天津农学院水产学院天津市水产生态及养殖重点实验室,天津 300392
Yuqiao ReservoirCyprinus carpio zhouhe L.Marker methodsStock enhancement
《安徽农业科学》 2024 (13)