Data-driven Structural Optimization Design and Evaluation of Medium-low Temperature Thermal Insulation Ceramic Tube
随着中温区电加热的电子产品和家电用品不断涌现,低成本的高效保温隔热材料研究日益成为热点.如何确保管路内部快速升温并避免外表温度大幅波动,有效提高能源利用率,是保温隔热材料领域的挑战.据此,本研究以低熔点玻璃助烧结的镁橄榄石、莫来石、珍珠岩和磷酸锌等复合物陶瓷为对象,从数据驱动的壁内多孔结构隔热管件优化设计出发,开展陶瓷隔热管件三维打印制造,通过显微结构和力学性能分析,并围绕管件的导热、隔热影响因素评估,系统考察了该类新型隔热管件的理化、力学和隔热性能及影响关系.结果表明,通过对沿管壁环绕的矩形大孔高度调控(400~1 200 μm)、管腔内热源区的管壁倍增(1.2 mm×2 mm)以及有机微球造孔剂引入(~9%),同时通过烧结温度控制(700~750℃),可以显著改善热流出口区的温度水平(~20℃),并显著优于不锈钢真空隔热管的出口温度.研究结果表明,增材制造复合陶瓷管件具有优良的综合性能以及较低的原料成本,使得多孔陶瓷隔热管件在中温隔热领域具有广阔的应用前景.
With the emergence of portable electronic products with electric heating in medium temperature conditions,the study of low-cost,high-efficiency thermal insulation tubes(TITs)have become a hot area.However,it is still a challenge to develop the TITs with fast internal temperature increase but low the external temperature fluctuation.This study aimed to develop a data-driven TIT design to fabricate structurally tailorable TITs by additive manufacturing,and then systematically investigated the physicochemical,mechanical,thermal insulation properties of a variety of inorganic silicate and phosphate composite ceramics via low-melting point glass-assisted sintering.The results indicated that the thermal insulation property can be improved by controlling the annular macropore sizes(400-1 200 μm)in the tube wall,increasing the thicken of the tube wall(1.2 mm×2 mm)in the heat source area,endowing microporous structures(~9%),and controlling the sintering temperature(700-750℃).The outer-wall temperature of ceramic TITs could be significantly reduced,and the thermal insulation efficacy was better than that of the stainless steel vacuum tubes.These findings demonstrate that the low-cost ceramic composite tubes have a promising application in the field of medium-temperature thermal insulation.
浙江中烟工业有限责任公司,浙江 杭州 310024浙江大学 浙江加州国际纳米技术研究院,浙江 杭州 310058浙江中烟工业有限责任公司,浙江 杭州 310024浙江中烟工业有限责任公司,浙江 杭州 310024浙江大学 流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310058浙江大学 原子核农业科学研究所,浙江 杭州 310058浙江大学 浙江加州国际纳米技术研究院,浙江 杭州 310058
Data-drivingPorous ceramic tubesMedium temperature thermal insulationThree-dimensional printing
《材料科学与工程学报》 2024 (3)