

Salt Tolerant Identification of Soybean Germplasm Resources at Germination Stage in Northeast China


为明确东北地区大豆种质资源萌发期耐盐特性,为大豆耐盐性品种选育提供优异亲本,本研究以主要来源于东北地区的 348 份大豆种质资源为供试材料,在恒温培养箱进行发芽试验,并选用150 mmol·L-1 NaCl溶液进行中度盐胁迫处理,测定发芽势、发芽率、芽长和根长,根据发芽率计算相对盐害率,确定耐盐等级并进行耐盐性评价,将筛选出的89 份高耐材料使用210 mmol·L-1 NaCl 溶液进行重度盐胁迫处理,以筛选出萌发期耐盐性稳定材料.结果发现:盐胁迫下各指标测量值与对照相比均明显下降,且各指标之间呈现显著或极显著相关.根据相对盐害率进行耐盐性评价,低盐胁迫下筛选到 89 份高耐材料,高盐胁迫下筛选到33 份耐盐材料.本研究筛选出的33 份大豆材料可为耐盐大豆品种培育及大豆耐盐机制解析提供重要基础材料.

In order to clarify the salt tolerance characteristics of soybean germplasm resources in northeast China,and to provide excellent parents for the selection and breeding of salt-tolerant varieties of soybeans,this study took 348 soybean germplasm resources mainly from northeast China as test materials.We cultivated them in an artificial greenhouse,and selected them to be subjected to a low-salt stress treatment with 150 mmol·L-1 NaCl during the germination period,and then measured the germination potential,the germination rate,the shoot length and the root length.We calculated the relative salt damage rate and determined the salt tolerance grade and carried out the evaluation of salt tolerance based on the germination rate.The germination potential,shoot length and root length were measured,and the relative salt damage rate was calculated based on the germination rate,and the salt tolerance level was evaluated.89 highly tolerant materials were then subjected to high salt stress with 210 mmol·L-1 NaCl solution in order to screen out the materials with stable salt tolerance during the germination period.The results showed that the measured values of all indexes under salt stress decreased significantly compared with the control,and there was a significant or highly significant relationship between the indexes.According to the relative salt damage rate,the salt tolerance was evaluated,89 highly tolerant materials were screened under low salt stress,and 33 salt-tolerant soybean materials were screened under high salt stress.The 33 soybean materials screened in this study can provide important basic materials for breeding salt-tolerant soybean varieties and analyzing the mechanism of salt tolerance in soybean.


吉林农业大学 农学院,吉林 长春 130118||吉林省农业科学院 大豆研究所,吉林 长春 130033吉林省农业科学院 大豆研究所,吉林 长春 130033吉林省农业科学院 作物资源研究所,吉林 公主岭 136100


soybeannortheast Chinagermination stageNaCl stresssalt tolerance identfication

《大豆科学》 2024 (004)

431-438 / 8


