Coordinative optimization and dispatching of distribution network considering multi-flexible resources
针对高比例光伏并网造成配电网灵活性调节资源匮乏的问题,本文提出面向配电网灵活性提升的多元灵活性资源协同优化调度方法.首先,分析新型电力系统中配电网灵活性供需关系,刻画需求侧响应与储能的灵活互动特性;然后,兼顾配电网灵活性提升与经济运行,构建多元灵活性资源协同优化调度模型;最后,采用 IEEE-33 节点测试系统验证了所提策略的有效性和适应性.
In response to the shortage of flexible adjustment resources in the distribution network caused by the high proportion of new energy grid connection,this paper proposes a multi-flexible resource collaborative optimization dispatching method to improve the flexibility of the distribution network.Firstly,the supply-demand relationship of distribution network flexibility in the new power system is analyzed,and the interactive characteristics of source load storage flexibility resources are characterized.Then,taking into account the improvement of distribution network flexibility and economic operation,a multi-flexible resource collaborative optimization dispatching model is constructd.Finally,the effectiveness and adaptability of the proposed strategy are verified using the IEEE-33 node testing system.
国网浙江省电力有限公司金华供电公司,浙江 金华 321016国网浙江省电力有限公司永康市供电公司,浙江 永康 321300
distribution networkmulti-flexible resourcesflexible interactioncoordinative optimization
《电气技术》 2024 (7)