An Adaptive Spatiotemporal Filtering Method for GNSS Coordinate Time Series in Large-Scale Region
We proposed an adaptive spatiotemporal filtering method for GNSS coordinate time series,which dynamically subdivides the filtering region into several subregions,facilitating the extraction and elimination of common mode errors under specified thresholds.We conduct a case study on 184 vertical GNSS coordinate time series from CMONOC.The results of three groups of randomized experiments show that the average RMS values of the station sequences after adaptive PCA spatiotemporal filtering are reduced by about 39.7%,38.4%,and 39.7%on average compared with that before the filtering,and the filtering effect is better than that of the overall PCA spatiotemporal filtering method.Analysis of pre-and post-filtering site noise charac-teristics reveals that,compared to traditional PCA filtering,our method resulted in an additional attenuation of approximately 17.8%in power-law noise amplitudes within site residual time series.
GNSS coordinate time serieslarge-scale regionPCAadaptive spatiotemporal filtering
《大地测量与地球动力学》 2024 (8)
湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金(22B0346)国家自然科学基金(42274055,42074013)湖南省自然资源厅科技计划(HBZ20240115). Excellent Youth Fund of the Education Department of Hunan Province,No.22B0346National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.42274055,42074013Science and Technology Plan of Department of Natural Resources of Hunan Province,No.HBZ20240115.