

Correction Method for Time Stamp Jumps in Acoustic Positioning Based on Parameter Search


利用水声定位技术可将全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)维持的位置基准传递至海洋内部.国内GNSS-声学海底定位实验通常采用多种硬件设备相互配合完成,但不同设备输出的观测数据可能存在时标跳变的问题.一般可通过冗余观测解决时标跳变问题,但对于无冗余观测的情况,尚无有效的解决办法.本文提出基于参数搜索的时标跳变改正方法,构建时标偏差的搜索空间,以水声定位结果的单位权方差为判定指标,通过数值方式搜索观测数据的时标跳变.利用实测海试数据对提出的方法进行验证,结果表明,参数搜索方法成功探测到声学设备数据约1 s的时标跳变,并通过改正时标将水声定位精度从dm级提升至mm级.

Acoustic positioning technology can transfer the position reference frame maintained by GNSS into the ocean.Domestic GNSS-acoustic seabed positioning experiments typically involve the cooperation of multiple hardware devices.However,the observation data outputted by different de-vices may suffer from time stamp jumps.While time stamp jumps can be resolved through redundant observations,there is currently no effective solution for cases without redundant observations.There-fore,we propose a time stamp jump correction method based on parameter search.By constructing a search space for time stamp deviations and using the unit weight variance of acoustic positioning results as a criterion,the time stamp jump in observation data is searched numerically.The proposed method is validated using measured sea trial data.The results show that the parameter search method successfully detects a time stamp jump of approximately 1 second in acoustic device data and improves the accuracy of acoustic positioning from decimeter-level to millimeter-level by correcting the data time stamps.





acoustic positioningGNSStime stamp jumpredundant observationparameter search

《大地测量与地球动力学》 2024 (008)

810-814 / 5

国家电网公司总部科技项目(5108-202218280A-2-325-XG). Science and Technology Project of the State Grid Corporation of China,No.5108-202218280A-2-325-XG.

