

Experimental study on dynamic compression properties of UHTCC under seawater dry-wet cycle


为研究应变率和海水干湿循环周期对超高韧性水泥基复合材料(UHTCC)动态压缩性能的影响,采用直径75 mm的分离式霍普金森压杆系统对0~120 d海水干湿循环作用后的UHTCC试件开展动态压缩试验.通过改进ZWT非线性黏弹性本构模型,提出了一种考虑海水干湿循环作用的UHTCC试件的动态本构模型.结果表明,UHTCC试件的动态抗压强度增强因子随着干湿循环周期的增加逐渐减小.在同一冲击气压下,随着干湿循环周期的增加,UHTCC试件的峰值应力和耗能先增大后减小,并分别在60和90 d时达到峰值.在相同干湿循环周期下,UHTCC试件的峰值应力、动态抗压强度增强因子和耗能均随应变率的增大而增大,表现出明显的应变率效应.改进的动态本构模型能够较好地描述海水干湿循环作用下UHTCC试件的动态压缩应力-应变关系.

To study the effects of the strain rate and the seawater dry-wet cycle on the dynamic compression performance of ultra-high toughness cementitious composites(UHTCC),a separate Hopkinson pressure rod system with a diameter of 75 mm was used to carry out dynamic compression tests on UHTCC after 0 to 120 d of the seawater dry-wet cycle.An UHTCC dynamic constitutive model considering the seawater dry-wet cycle was proposed by improving the ZWT nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model.The results show that the dy-namic compressive strength increase factor of UHTCC decreases with the increase of the dry-wet cycle.Under the same impact pressure,the peak stress and the energy dissipation of UHTCC first increase and then decrease with the increase of the dry-wet cycle,and reach the peak values at 60 and 90 d,respectively.Under the same dry-wet cycle,the peak stress,the dynamic compressive strength increase factor and the energy dissipation of UHTCC increase with the increase of strain rate,showing obvious strain rate effect.The improved dynamic constitutive model can describe the dynamic compressive stress-strain relationship of UHTCC under the seawa-ter dry-wet cycle.


浙江大学高性能结构研究所,杭州 310058浙江大学高性能结构研究所,杭州 310058浙江数智交院科技股份有限公司,杭州 310006嘉兴港独山港口化工物流有限公司,嘉兴 314203浙江大学高性能结构研究所,杭州 310058



ultra-high toughness cementitious composites(UHTCC)seawater dry-wet cycledynamic com-pressive mechanical propertiesconstitutive model

《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (4)



