

Response characteristics and application of nuclear magnetic resonance T1-T2 spectrum in shale oil reser-voirs:a case study of Qingshankou Formation in Gulong Sag,Songliao Basin


为明确松辽盆地古龙凹陷页岩油储层二维核磁共振响应特征,测试分析不同状态页岩T1-T2谱,结合孔隙流体动态响应特征建立T1-T2谱识别图版,并构建页岩孔隙油、水T1-T2谱信号幅度标线方程,计算不同状态页岩孔隙流体含量,探讨原位状态下不同孔隙流体含量主控因素.结果表明:古龙凹陷页岩油储层T1-T2谱可分为7个区域,能有效区分各种孔隙流体分布;页岩储层孔隙流体以毛细管束缚水为主,原始状态下,平均为20.95 mg/g,总油量相对较高,与常规热解油量具有良好相关关系,平均为9.67 mg/g;页岩油以束缚油为主,其次为吸附油,可动油较少,其中可动油最易散失,束缚油次之,吸附油和毛细管束缚水散失较少;原位状态下,页岩含油量主要受有机碳、黏土矿物和成熟度控制,总有机碳与黏土矿物质量分数越高,成熟度越大,含油性越好,吸附油随成熟度增大而逐渐降低.

To clarify the two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance(NM R)characteristics of shale oil reservoirs in Gulong Sag,T1-T2 spectra of shales at different states were systematically detected and an-alyzed.The T1-T2 pattern was proposed,and the signal amplitudes of pore water and oil were also cali-brated to calculate the pore fluids at different states in shale pore networks.The main controlling factors of different pore fluid contents in the in-situ state were further explored.The results show that the T1-T2 pattern of the shale oil reservoir in Gulong Sag includes 7 regions,which can effectively distinguish the distribution of various pore fluids.The shale pore fluid mainly consists of capillary-bound water,with an average of 20.95 mg/g in an as-received state.The total oil content is relatively high and has a good correlation with the oil content obtained by conventional pyrolysis,with an average value of 9.67 mg/g.Shale oil is mainly composed of bound oil,followed by adsorbed oil,with less movable oil.Among them,movable oil is the most easily dispersed,followed by bound oil,with less loss of adsorbed oil and capillary-bound water.In-situ shale oil content is mainly controlled by organic carbon,clay min-erals,and maturity.The higher the content of organic carbon and clay minerals,the greater the maturi-ty and the higher the oil content.While the adsorbed oil is decreasing with increasing maturity.


大庆油田有限责任公司勘探事业部,黑龙江大庆 163412中国石油集团测井有限公司大庆分公司,黑龙江大庆 163412大庆油田有限责任公司勘探开发研究院,黑龙江大庆 163412中国石油集团测井有限公司大庆分公司,黑龙江大庆 163412中国石油集团测井有限公司大庆分公司,黑龙江大庆 163412中国石油集团测井有限公司大庆分公司,黑龙江大庆 163412中国石油集团测井有限公司大庆分公司,黑龙江大庆 163412



shale oilpore fluidsnuclear magnetic resonanceT1-T2 spectrumQingshankou Forma-tionGulong SagSongliao Basin

《东北石油大学学报》 2024 (3)



