

Comparative study on the water holding ability of fresh and withered leaf litter from nine tree species


为全面认知凋落物在水土保持和水源涵养中的作用,对鲜叶凋落物和枯叶凋落物的持水能力进行比较研究.采用室内浸提法,对南方9种常见树种鲜叶凋落物、枯叶凋落物的持水特征和失水特征进行研究,并探讨鲜叶凋落物、枯叶凋落物持水能力的差异及影响因素.结果表明:9种树种鲜叶凋落物、枯叶凋落物的最大持水率分别在92.36%~237.36%、204.78%~504.88%之间;9种树种鲜叶凋落物的最大持水率均小于其枯叶凋落物的最大持水率.在失水的前12 h,大多数树种鲜叶凋落物的失水率大于其枯叶凋落物的失水率;在失水40 h时,大多数树种鲜叶凋落物的失水率小于其枯叶凋落物的失水率.鲜叶凋落物的最大持水能力主要与叶面积呈正相关,与叶形指数呈负相关;枯叶凋落物的最大持水能力与比叶面积呈正相关,与密度呈负相关.总体而言,鲜叶凋落物的持水能力弱于枯叶凋落物,但由于其现存量大,鲜叶凋落物的持水能力在水土保持和水源涵养中的作用不能被忽视.在构建森林水文模型时需纳入鲜叶凋落物的持水能力,以便更精确估算凋落物在森林水文中的作用.

To enhance our understanding of leaf litter's role in soil and water conservation,this study compared the water holding abilities of fresh and withered leaf litter. Laboratory soaking experiments were conducted to analyze the water holding and loss characteristics of fresh and withered leaf litter from nine common tree species in South China. The factors influencing the water holding ability of fresh and withered leaf litter were investigated. Results revealed that the maximal water holding capacities of fresh and withered leaf litter across the nine tree species ranged from approximately 92. 36% to 237. 36% and 204. 78% to 504. 88%,respectively. Fresh leaf litter exhibited a greater maximal water holding capacity compared to withered leaf litter. In the initial 12 hours of the water loss experiment,most tree species displayed a higher maximal water loss capacity with fresh leaf litter than with withered leaf litter. However,after 40 hours,the maximal water loss capacity of fresh leaf litter in most tree species was surpassed by withered leaf litter. The maximal water holding ability of fresh leaf litter exhibited a positive correlation with specific leaf area and a negative correlation with leaf area index. Conversely,the maximal water holding ability of withered leaf litter showed a positive correlation with specific leaf area but a negative correlation with density. Overall,fresh leaf litter demonstrated weaker water holding ability compared to withered leaf litter. Nonetheless,considering its abundance,the role of fresh leaf litter in soil and water conservation should not be underestimated. Accurate estimation of leaf litter's impact on forest hydrology necessitates inclusion of the water holding ability of fresh leaf litter in forest hydrological models.


福建农林大学林学院,福建 福州350002三明市农田建设与土肥技术推广站,福建 三明365000福建省资源环境监测与可持续经营利用重点实验室,福建 三明365004||竹资源开发利用福建省高校重点实验室,福建 三明365004



water holding abilityfresh leaf litterwithered leaf litterleaf characterglobal climate change

《森林与环境学报》 2024 (004)

346-356 / 11


