

Effects of terrain on soil hydrological characteristics of alpine grasslands


为更加合理地利用高寒地区的水资源,有效保护和恢复高寒地区植被,在甘肃连城国家级自然保护区选取不同地形(坡向、坡位)条件下的高寒草地作为研究对象,探讨不同地形条件下高寒草地0~30 cm土层土壤水文特征的变化规律.结果表明:随着土层深度增加,不同地形条件下高寒草地土壤含水量降低,土壤容重增大;从不同坡向来看,阴坡土壤含水量高于阳坡,土壤容重则相反;从不同坡位来看,坡下部土壤含水量和土壤容重高于坡上部.土壤总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度和非毛管孔隙度均为阴坡大于阳坡、坡上部大于坡下部,三者均表现为阴坡上部最高.不同地形条件下,高寒草地的土壤持水能力大小为阴坡>阳坡,坡上部>坡中部>坡下部.土壤初始入渗率(0.47~5.90 mm·min-1)高于稳定入渗率(0.08~1.36 mm·min-1)和平均入渗率(0.09~1.54 mm·min-1),不同地形条件下,高寒草地的土壤渗透率表现为阳坡>阴坡,坡上部>坡中部>坡下部.地形(坡向、坡位)对高寒草地的土壤水文特征有不同程度的影响,因此,在甘肃连城国家级自然保护区对高寒草地生态系统进行生态保护与恢复、可持续发展建设的过程中,应充分考虑地形与土壤水文特征的相互关系.

To make more rational use of water resources and effectively protect and restore vegetation in alpine regions,alpine grasslands under different terrains (slope aspect and position) were selected as research objects in the Liancheng National Nature Reserve of Gansu Province. The variations in soil hydrological characteristics in the 0-30 cm soil layer of alpine grasslands under the different terrains (slope aspect and slope position) were investigated. The results showed that with an increase in soil depth,the soil water content of the alpine grasslands decreased,and the soil bulk density increased under different terrain conditions. The soil water content of the shady slope was higher than that of the sunny slope,whereas the opposite was true for soil bulk density. The soil water content and soil bulk density on the lower slope were higher than those on the upper slope. Total soil porosity,capillary porosity,and non-capillary porosity showed that the shady slope was larger than the sunny slope,and the upper part of the slope was larger than the lower part of the slope. The results showed that the upper part of the shady slope was the highest. The soil water-holding capacity in different slope directions and positions was as follows:shady slope>sunny slope and upper slope>middle slope>lower slope. The initial infiltration rate (0.47-5.90 mm·min-1) was higher than the stable infiltration rate (0.08-1.36 mm·min-1) and average infiltration rate (0.09-1.54 mm·min-1). The soil permeability of alpine grasslands on different terrains was as follows:sunny slope>shady slope and upper slope>middle slope>lower slope. The terrain (slope aspect and position) of the alpine grasslands has a significant impact on the soil hydrological characteristics. Therefore,the relationship between terrain and soil hydrological characteristics should be fully considered during the ecological protection,restoration,and sustainable development of alpine grassland ecosystems in the Liancheng National Nature Reserve of Gansu Province.


甘肃农业大学林学院,甘肃 兰州730070甘肃连城国家级自然保护区管理局,甘肃 兰州730300



soil hydrological characteristicsalpine grasslandterrainslope aspectslope positionGansu Liancheng National Nature Reserve

《森林与环境学报》 2024 (004)

367-375 / 9


