

Rapid On-Site Screening of Six Kinds of Pesticide Residues in Cosmetics Containing Plant Extracts by Fan-shaped Paper Spray Ionization and Miniature Mass Spectrometry


含植物提取物类化妆品由于植物原料质量把控不严等原因,可能含有多菌灵等农药残留,危害消费者健康.开发快速检测方法对监管产品质量、保障人体健康具有重要意义.本研究采用具有层析富集功能的扇形纸喷雾离子化手段结合小型便携式质谱技术,建立了含植物提取物类化妆品中多菌灵和久效磷等6种农药残留的快速筛查方法.经层析富集和纸喷雾离子化,在1 min内即可完成样品电离和小型便携式质谱分析检测.采用逐滴载样的方式,与常规三角形纸基相比,扇形纸基在尖端有更好的层析富集效果,质谱信号提升了6~32倍.本方法对多菌灵和久效磷等6种农药的检出限为0.02~0.05 mg/kg,定量限为0.05~0.10 mg/kg,回收率在82.6%~101.8%之间,相对标准偏差为8.3%~16.5%.本方法便捷灵敏、快速高效,适用于含植物提取物类化妆品中农药残留的现场快速筛查.

Cosmetics containing plant extracts may pose health risks to consumers due to inadequate control over the quality of plant raw materials,which may lead to residues of pesticides such as carbendazim in cosmetics. Developing rapid detection methods is of paramount importance for regulating product quality and safeguarding human health. A rapid on-site analytical method was developed for the screening of six kinds of pesticide residues in plant extract-based cosmetics using fan-shaped paper spray ionization with chromatographic enrichment functionality coupled with a miniature mass spectrometer. Cosmetic samples were directly loaded onto the fan-shaped paper substrate drop by drop,followed by chromatographic enrichment,paper spray ionization,and the miniature mass spectrometry analysis. The entire analysis time for a single run was less than 1 min. By loading samples in a dropwise manner,significantly improved chromatographic enrichment on the tip and 6 to 32-fold signal enhancement were achieved on the fan-shaped paper substrate compared to traditional triangle-shaped paper substrate. The limits of detection (LODs) and quantitation (LOQs) for the six kinds of pesticides were 0.02-0.05 mg/kg and 0.05-0.10 mg/kg,respectively. The recoveries were 82.6%-101.8% with relative standard deviations of 8.3%-16.5%. The established method was convenient,sensitive,and suitable for rapid,on-site screening of pesticide residues in plant extract-based cosmetics.




Chromatographic enrichmentFan-shaped paper spray ionizationMiniature mass spectrometryPesticide residuesRapid on-site screening

《分析化学》 2024 (006)

838-845 / 8

国家市场监督管理总局技术保障专项项目(No.2023YJ08)资助.Supported by the Science and Technology Program Project of State Administration for Market Regulation(No.2023YJ08).

