

Depositional systems and genetic types of sand bodies of the Paleogene in Chengbei sag,Bohai Bay Basin



Chengbei sag is a half graben basin in the Bohai Bay Basin.Its exploration potential is limited by the understanding of the genetic type of sand bodies and the distribution of reservoirs.This pa-per has analyzed the sedimentary characteristics,sand body genetic types and reservoir distribution pat-terns of the Paleogene in the Chengbei sag,using the drilling cores,log curves,and 3D seismic reflec-tion data.The Paleogene in this sag has been developed with fan delta,braided river delta,sub-lacustrine fan sedimentary facies.The fan delta is developed in the steep slope zone on the northeast side of the sag,with lithology dominated by massive gravelly coarse-grained sandstones.The seismic reflections show len-ticular and wedge progradation and retrogradation morphologies and chaotic and the logging facies mainly show low-amplitude jag-shaped,jagged box-shaped,and bell-shaped.The braided river delta is deve-loped in the gentle slope zone on the southwest side of the sag,with lithology mainly consisting of cross-bedded sandstones.The seismic reflection shows S-shaped progradation and imbricated progradation pat-terns.The logging facies mainly show box-shaped,bell-shaped and funnel-shaped patterns.The sub-lacus-trine fan is controlled by gravity flow and developed in the deep lacustrine area of the sag center.The seis-mic reflection is featured by worm-like progradation.The lacustrine shoal-bars are developed at the edge or central uplift of lakes,controlled by wave action,and are characterized by sheet-like sandy deposits sur-rounded by mudstone.The seismic reflection is featured by lens-shaped reflection,and the logging facies mainly show finger-shaped and funnel-shaped.Vertically,the Member 3 of the Shahejie Formation is mainly composed of braided river delta,fan delta,and lacustrine sedimentary facies.The Members 1 and 2 of Shahejie Formation are mainly composed of braided river delta,fan delta and lacustrine sedimentary facies.The Member 3 of Dongying Formation is mainly composed of braided river delta and fan delta sedi-mentary facies,while the Member 2 of Dongying Formation is mainly composed of braided river delta sedi-mentary facies,with the scale of fan delta development being small.The generation and development of Paleogene sand bodies in the Chengbei sag are mainly influenced by tectonic activity,sediment supply,palaeo-microgeomorphologies,and lake level changes.The predominant genetic types of these sand bodies include fan delta sand bodies,braided river delta sand bodies,sub-lacustrine fan sand bodies,and la-custrine shoal-bar sand bodies.


中国石油大学(北京)地球科学学院,北京 102249||中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司,天津 300452中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院,北京 100083中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司,天津 300452中国石油大学(北京)地球科学学院,北京 102249



Bohai Bay BasinChengbei sagPaleogenesedimentary faciesgenetic types of sand body

《古地理学报》 2024 (004)

834-845 / 12

中海石油(中国)有限公司"七年行动计划"重大科技专项课题(编号:CNOOC-KJ135ZDXM36TJ08TJ)及国家自然科学基金项目(编号:41572090)资助.[Co-funded by the Major Science and Technology special Project of CNOOC(China)Limited's"Seven-Year Action Plan"(No.CNOOC-KJ135ZDXM36TJ08TJ)and the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41572090)]

