Spectral characteristics of summer maize and the responses of its grain yield to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization under drip irrigation
[目的]研究滴灌条件下氮磷调控对夏玉米冠层光谱特征及产量的影响.[方法]2022-2023年连续开展田间试验,2022年试验设置 3个氮肥水平(0、120、240 kg/hm2)(以纯N计)和 2个磷肥水平(0、100 kg/hm2)(以P2O5计),2023年施氮处理与 2022年一致,磷肥增加为 3个水平(0、60、120 kg/hm2).研究滴灌氮磷调控对夏玉米冠层光谱特征、干物质积累量和产量等指标影响.[结果]①施氮和施磷处理夏玉米光谱反射率明显增加,与不施氮不施磷处理相比,施氮后光谱反射率增加 9.61%~18.60%,施磷后光谱反射率增加了 3.06%~7.06%;②夏玉米地上部干物质量和产量均随施氮量和施磷量增加而增加,氮磷配施显著提高了夏玉米地上部生物量和籽粒产量,与仅施氮处理产量相比,氮磷配施处理较不施氮不施磷处理的增产幅度提高了8.82%~24.27%;与仅施磷产量处理相比,氮磷配施处理较不施氮不施磷处理的增产幅度提高 15.75%~65.79%,氮磷交互作用对地上部干物质量和产量均有显著影响(P<0.01);③拔节期、抽穗期和灌浆期的地上部干物质量与任意2波段差值植被指数(DVI)和归一化植被指数(NDVI)相关性较好,相关系数最大值达到0.93.[结论]拔节期最佳植被指数的估测参数可选DVI(810,680),抽穗期可选MCARI1,灌浆期可选DVI(761,383);N2P1(N:240 kg/hm2、P2O5:100 kg/hm2)处理可作为该地区夏玉米优化施肥模式.
[Background and Objective]Excessive application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers not only results in environmental pollution but also leads to excessive crop growth,thereby compromising ultimate crop yields.This paper investigates the feasibility of using hyperspectral technology to phenotype crop canopy and crop growth and to improve nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizations.[Method]The experiment was conducted from 2022 to 2023 in a maize field.In 2022,nitrogen fertilizations were 0,120 kg/hm2 and 240 kg/hm2 of nitrogen,and phosphorus fertilization was 0 and 100 kg/hm2 of P2O5.In 2023,the nitrogen applications remained unchanged,but the phosphorus fertilizations changed to 0,60 kg/hm2 and 120 kg/hm2.All treatments were irrigated by drip irrigation.In the experiment,spectral characteristics of the canopy,dry matter accumulation and grain yield were measured regularly to analyze their response to nitrogen and phosphorus applications.[Result]① The spectral reflectance of the summer maize increased significantly with N and P applications.Compared with the treatments without N and P fertilizations,N fertilization increased the spectral reflectance by 9.61%-18.60%and 3.06%-7.06%,respectively.② The quality of dry matter and grain yield both increased with the increase in N and P fertilization.The combination of N and P fertilization significantly increased above-ground biomass and grain yield.Compared to control without fertilization,N and P fertilization increased the grain yield by 8.82%-24.27%,while compared to those with only P fertilization,it increased the grain yield by 15.75%-65.79%.N-P coupling had a significant effect on both quality of dry matter quality and grain yield(P<0.01).③ Both the normalized index and the difference index were correlated with the quality of dry matter,especially at the jointing stage,the heading stage and the filling stage,where their correlation coefficients reached as high as 0.93.[Conclusion]The wave bands DVI(810,680),MCARI1 and DVI(761,383)can be used to estimate the vegetation index at jointing stage,heading stage,and filling stage,respectively.From the two-year experiment,the N fertilization of 240 kg/hm2 combined with P2O5 fertilization of 100 kg/hm2 significantly improved the dry matter quality,the number of grains per ear and 100-grain weight,thereby increasing gain yield,compared to other treatments.
中国水利水电科学研究院 流域水循环模拟和调控国家重点实验室,北京 100048中国水利水电科学研究院 流域水循环模拟和调控国家重点实验室,北京 100048中国水利水电科学研究院 流域水循环模拟和调控国家重点实验室,北京 100048
nitrogen and phosphorus regulation under drip irrigationsummer maizecanopy spectral reflectanceabove-ground dry matter massyield
《灌溉排水学报》 2024 (7)