

A study on the characteristics of summer convective precipitation in Longyan under the influence of subtropical high


利用雷达基数据、ECthin预报数据、ERA5逐日4次再分析资料,选取2017-2021年每年7-9月受副热带高压(以下称"副高")影响时段,分析龙岩地区对流降水时空分布特征、对流起源空间分布特征、不同的引导风下对流移动路径特征,及ECthin模式预报检验情况.结果表明:(1)7-9月对流频次和对流起源频次均是龙岩东部多于西部,各月的峰值集中在午后到上半夜之间.(2)不同副高位置控制下造成各月的主要对流影响系统不同.(3)对流传播方向大多和850 hPa引导风向一致.(4)ECthin预报的各物理量值可信度高,个别物理量预报与实况空间分布对应较差.

To better understand the summer convective precipitation characteristics in the Longyan region under the influence of the subtropical high,this study selected the period from July to September each year between 2017 and 2021 when the subtropical high had an impact.Using radar base data,ECthin forecast data,and 6-hourly ERA5 reanalysis data with a resolution of 0.25°×0.25°,the study analyzed the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of convective precipitation,convective initiation and convective movement tracks under different steering winds in Longyan,as well as the forecast performance of the ECthin model.The results indicate show that:(1)the convective frequency and convective initiation frequency are higher in the eastern part of Longyan than in the western part from July to September,and the peaks for each month are concentrated between the afternoon and before midnight.(2)The main convective influence systems in each month vary under the control of different subtropical high positions.(3)The direction of convective propagation mostly aligns with the direction of the steering winds at 850 hPa.(4)The reliability of various physical quantities predicted by ECthin is high,while the spatial distribution of individual physical quantities corresponds poorly to that of the actual conditions.


龙岩市新罗区气象局,福建 龙岩 364000龙岩市气象局,福建 龙岩 364000



subtropical highconvection precipitationconvective initiationECthinmodel testing

《气象研究与应用》 2024 (002)

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