

JH2 Constitutive Model of Inorganic Bulletproof Glass with Damage


防弹玻璃具有良好的抗冲击性能,能够抵御枪弹、爆炸碎片以及其他高速飞行物体的攻击性威胁,广泛应用于安全防护领域.为探究防弹玻璃的无机玻璃层在冲击加载下的动态力学性能及本构关系,首先,采用电子万能试验机和分离式霍普金森压杆(split Hopkinson pressure bar,SHPB)试验装置,获得了不同应变率下材料的拉伸和压缩力学性能,结果表明,无机玻璃具有明显的应变率效应,材料强度随应变率的升高而增大.其次,借鉴土力学三轴围压试验,设计了适用于本研究的高强围压套筒,测试了完全损伤条件下玻璃颗粒的力学性能,发现其强度明显低于完整状态下无机玻璃的强度.最后,结合试验数据构建了含损伤无机玻璃的JH2 本构模型,采用非线性有限元软件 LS-DYNA 模拟了材料在SHPB加载下的压缩过程,通过对比试验结果与模拟结果,验证了本构模型的有效性.

Bulletproof glass exhibits excellent impact resistance and protective capabilities against bullets,explosive fragments,high-speed projectiles,and various other aggressive threats,making it extensively utilized in the field of safety and security.To investigate the dynamic mechanical properties and constitutive relation of the inorganic glass layers in bulletproof glass under impact loading,we firstly employed an electronic universal testing machine and a split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB)test setup to obtain the tensile and compressive mechanical properties of the material at different strain rates.Results reveal a noticeable strain rate effect that the material's strength increases with the strain rate.Secondly,drawing on the experience of geotechnical triaxial compression tests,we designed a high-strength confinement sleeve suitable for assessing the mechanical properties of glass particles under conditions of complete damage.Results show a significantly lower strength compared to that of the intact state of inorganic glass.Finally,by integrating test data,an JH2 constitutive model for inorganic glass with damage was established.By using the non-linear finite element software LS-DYNA,the SHPB test process was simulated.The effectiveness of the constitutive model was verified by comparing test and simulated results.


中北大学航空宇航学院,山西 太原 030051中国建筑材料科学研究总院有限公司,北京 100024中北大学航空宇航学院,山西 太原 030051中国航天科工集团第六研究院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010中北大学航空宇航学院,山西 太原 030051



bulletproof glassmechanical propertiesconstitutive relationdamage

《高压物理学报》 2024 (4)



