

Effects of spraying paclobutrazol at different leaf age in the seedling stages on lodging characteristics of high-quality indica rice


以优质晚籼稻'泰优553'和'玉针香'为材料,在水稻秧苗的1叶1心期和2叶1心期进行多效唑处理(15%多效唑1 500 g兑水750 kg),以喷施清水为对照(CK),在水稻成熟期测定水稻的农艺性状与产量、茎秆的物理性状、力学和抗倒伏特性,并分析植株抗倒伏特性与主茎性状的相关性.结果表明:2 个时期喷施多效唑均显著增加'泰优 553'的产量,而对'玉针香'的增产效果不显著,其中 1 叶 1 心期和 2 叶 1 心期处理下'泰优 553'的产量较对照处理分别增加了 20.63%和 15.29%;2 个时期喷施多效唑均可降低 2 个水稻品种成熟期的株高,缩短其节间长度,增加节间粗度和茎壁厚度,从而提高节间充实度和折断弯矩,提高水稻抗倒伏能力;在2叶1心期喷施多效唑较1叶1心期喷施更能提高'玉针香'的抗倒伏能力,其中2叶1心期处理下'玉针香'茎秆抗倒指数较对照显著增加了 36.46%,而 1 叶 1 心期处理下'玉针香'茎秆抗倒指数较对照处理差异不显著;多效唑对'玉针香'的抗倒伏参数的影响大于'泰优 553'.总之,苗期合理喷施多效唑能够提高水稻产量和成熟期的抗倒伏能力,但不同品种的长效效果可能不一样.

In this study,we took the high-quality late indica rice'Taiyou 553'and'Yuzhenxiang'as the test materials,and sprayed rice seedlings with paclobutrazol(15%paclobutrazol 1 500 g with 750 kg water)at the one-leaf-one-center stage and the two-leaf-one-center stage,and sprayed water as CK.At the maturity stage,we measured the agronomic traits and yield of rice,the physical traits of the stalks,the mechanics and lodging resistance traits,and analyzed the correlation between the lodging resistance traits of the plants and the main stem traits.The results showed that the spraying of paclobutrazol significantly increased the yield of'Taiyou 553'in both periods,while it did not significantly increase the yield of'Yuzhenxiang',in which the yields of'Taiyou 553'in creased by 20.63%and 15.29%under the treatments of one-leaf-one-center stage and two-leaf-one-center stage,respectively,compared with the control treatment.Overall,the spraying had the tendency to reduce the plant height,shorten the internode length,increase the internode thickness and stem node wall thickness of the two rice varieties at the maturity stage,which in turn increased the internode fullness and fracture bending moment,and improved the lodging resistance.In addition,the spraying at the two-leaf-one-center stage improved the lodging resistance of'Yuzhenxiang'more than that at the one-leaf-one-center stage,in which the lodging resistance index of'Yuzhenxiang'under two-leaf-one-center treatment increased significantly by 36.46%compared with control,while the difference between the one-leaf-one-center stage treatment and the control treatment was not significant.The effect of paclobutrazol on the lodging resistance parameter of'Yuzhenxiang'was higher than that of'Taiyou 553'.Reasonable spraying of paclobutrazol at the seedling stage could improve the yield and lodging resistance of rice at the maturity stage,with its long-lasting effect depending on the rice varieties.


湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128华容县农业农村局,湖南 岳阳 414299长沙哲农农业科技有限公司,湖南 长沙 410145湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128



high-quality indica ricepaclobutrazolseedling stagelodging resistance

《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (3)



