

Effects of exogenous GA3 treatment on phenotype and physiological characteristics of a semi-dwarf mutant of pepper


分别用1.0、2.0、4.0、8.0 mg/L的GA3处理辣椒半矮秆突变体E483的种子,分别用2.0、4.0、6.0、8.0、10.0、12.0 mg/L的GA3喷施E483幼苗,以0.0 mg/L的GA3处理的野生型6421(CK1)和E483(CK2)为对照,调查GA3处理下E483 种子萌发情况和植株表型,并测定幼苗叶片内源GA、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、MDA含量以及SOD、CAT、POD、GR活性.结果表明:E483种子萌发速度低于野生型6421的,GA3处理可提高E483种子发芽势,且在2.0、4.0、8.0 mg/L GA3处理下,E483种子发芽能力可恢复至野生型6421种子的发芽能力;E483植株较 6421矮,叶片较 6421 小,喷施GA3处理可促使E483 幼苗茎秆节间伸长、茎增粗、叶面积增大,但不会改变其节位数;8.0 mg/L GA3处理的E483的株高与6421的株高无显著差异;2.0 mg/L GA3处理的E483茎粗与6421茎粗无显著差异;6.0 mg/L GA3处理的E483的叶宽、叶面积与6421幼苗的叶面积无显著差异;E483幼苗中GA1、GA3、GA20、GA29、GA34含量显著低于6421相应的值,推测该突变体属于GA合成缺陷突变体;E483叶片中可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量及SOD、CAT、POD、GR活性均显著高于6421的,MDA含量显著低于6421的;10.0 mg/L GA3处理的E483叶片中可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量和SOD、CAT、POD活性达到最大值.

In this study,four concentrations(1.0,2.0,4.0,8.0 mg/L)of GA3 solution were used to treat the seeds of the semi-dwarf mutant E483,respectively,and the seedlings of E483 were sprayed with 2.0,4.0,6.0,8.0,10.0,12.0 mg/L GA3 solution,respectively,and wild-type 6421(CK1)and 0.0 mg/L GA3-treated E483(CK2)was taken as the control.The seed germination and plant phenotype of E483 were investigated under GA3 solution treatment,and the soluble sugar,soluble protein and MDA contents,as well as the activities of SOD,CAT,POD and GR were determined in the leaves of the seedlings.The results showed that the germination potential of E483 seeds was significantly lower than that of 6421 seeds,and the germination potential of E483 seeds treated with 2.0、4.0、8.0 mg/L GA3 solution could be restored to that of 6421 seeds.The height and leaf area of E483 plants were smaller than those of 6421,and the GA3 solution treatment could induce the elongation of the internodes of the stalks,stem thickening,and the increase of the leaf area of E483 but GA3 solution treatment could not change the number of nodes of E483.The plant height of E483 treated with 8.0 mg/L GA3 solution showed no significant difference from that of the 6421.The stem diameter of E483 treated with 2.0 mg/L GA3 solution also showed no significant difference from that of the 6421.Additionally,the leaf width and leaf area of E483 treated with 6.0 mg/L GA3 solution did not significantly differ from 6421.The contents of GA1,GA3,GA20,GA29 and GA34 in E483 seedlings were significantly lower than those in 6421,suggesting that the mutant was a GA synthesis defective mutant.The contents of soluble sugar and soluble protein,as well as the activities of SOD,CAT,POD and GR in E483 leaves,were significantly higher than those of 6421,while the MDA content was significantly lower than that of 6421.The soluble sugar,soluble protein contents and SOD,CAT,and POD activities in E483 leaves treated with 10.0 mg/L GA3 were all the highest.


湖南农业大学园艺学院,湖南 长沙 410128湖南省蔬菜研究所,湖南 长沙 410125



peppersemi-dwarf mutantGA3phenotypephysiological index

《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (003)

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