

Application of Temperature In-situ Monitoring Based Microreactor in HNS Microfluidic Preparation Process



In order to resolve the lack of temperature in-situ monitoring means during the microfluidic preparation of energy-containing materials,a microreactor system with an integrated thin-film temperature sensor is proposed.The microreactor con-sists of a glass substrate containing the thin-film temperature sensor bonded to a silicon substrate containing the microfluidic channel.Three temperature sensors are placed upstream,midstream,and downstream of the microfluidic channel to achieve high spatial resolution temperature measurement during the microreaction process.Based on this microreactor,a continuous mi-crofluidic preparation system for hexanitrostilbene(HNS)is constructed,and the temperature changes during the micro-and nanosizing and sphericalisation of HNS are monitored in real time.The results show that the microreactor has the advantages of high precision,corrosion resistance and observability.HNS micro-and nanosizing is an exothermic reaction with a maximum fluid temperature rise of 6.4 ℃.Due to the gradual precipitation of HNS,the solid content in the fluid increases,the flow rate slows down,and the distribution of the fluid temperature changes.The mixing of two-phase fluids during the HNS spheronisa-tion process is an exothermic process,with a maximum temperature rise of 2.3 ℃.The temperature at the midstream of the microfluidic channel is significantly higher than that at the upstream and downstream,and it is deduced that when the droplets flow to the midstream,the HNS microspheres have already been prepared.


大连理工大学高性能精密制造全国重点实验室,辽宁大连 116024||大连理工大学辽宁省微纳米技术及系统重点实验室,辽宁大连 116024陕西应用物理化学研究所瞬态化学效应与控制全国重点实验室,陕西西安 710061



physical chemistrymicroreactorthin-film temperature sensorreal-time temperature monitoringhexanitrostilbeneHNSmicrofluidic

《火炸药学报》 2024 (006)

559-565 / 7


