Multi-domain and Multi-scale Distributed C2 Model Framework and Application Analysis of Maritime Search and Rescue
传统的应急响应及搜救行动的指挥控制(Command and Control,C2)活动以经典理论OODA环为指导.该模式可以快速、有效地指导救援现场的组织指挥活动.但当事件规模较大,响应层级较高时,该模式失去效用.论文针对以上问题,结合C2活动过程机理的尺度关联性,运用PREA环&OODA环理论,建立了多域多尺度分布式C2模型框架.该模型在不同尺度(层级)的C2活动采用不同的理论指导,完整地描述了搜救C2活动从宏观到微观的指挥决策过程.论文将该模型应用分析至海上搜救领域,指导海上搜救行动.海上搜救的应用分析表明,多域多尺度分布式C2模型框架对海上应急救援指挥体系建设具有现实指导意义.
The traditional command and control(C2)activities of emergency response and search and rescue operations are guided by the classic theory-OODA ring.This model can guide the organization and command activities of rescue site quickly and effectively.However,when the event scale is large and the response level is high,this model loses its effectiveness.In this paper,a multi-domain and multi-scale distributed C2 model framework is established based on the Prea-Ooda ring theory and the scale cor-relation of C2 activity process mechanism.The model uses different theoretical guidance for C2 activities at different scales(lev-els),and completely describes the command-and-decision process of C2 activities from macro to micro.In this paper,the model is applied and analyzed in the field of maritime search and rescue to guide maritime search and rescue operations.The application anal-ysis of maritime search and rescue shows that the multi-domain and multi-scale distributed C2 model framework has practical guid-ing significance for the construction of maritime emergency rescue command system.
中国人民解放军91593部队 三亚 572000||国防科技大学信息系统工程重点实验室 长沙 410073||暨南大学军民融合应急指挥与控制实验室 广州 510632暨南大学深圳旅游学院 深圳 518053暨南大学公共/应急管理学院 广州 510632暨南大学公共/应急管理学院 广州 510632暨南大学公共/应急管理学院 广州 510632||国防科技大学信息系统工程重点实验室 长沙 410073||暨南大学军民融合应急指挥与控制实验室 广州 510632海军航空大学 烟台 264001
command and controlPREA ringparallel PREA ringmulti-scale C2 modelmaritime search and rescue
《舰船电子工程》 2024 (5)