

Comparison between AAO+DNBF and Phoredox Process for TN Compliance Application under Minjiang and Tuojiang River Standard


岷沱江标准下较多污水厂提标和新扩建采用了三级反硝化生物滤池(DNBF)工艺,DNBF具有极限脱氮(TN质量浓度≤3 mg/L)的优势,但也存在活性污泥、SS等导致的滤料板结及生物堵塞等常见问题.而二级生化Phoredox工艺投加碳源可以实现深度脱氮NO3--N<2 mg/L,其充分挖掘了二级生物处理段的脱氮能力,简化了脱氮工艺流程,但国内工程案例较少.以四川某污水处理厂为例,对AAO+DNBF与Phoredox两种工艺脱氮效果进行了对比,并结合工艺脱氮原理、设计参数、实际处理水量、TN出水水质、碳源选择及投加量等分析,发现投加外部碳源情况下两种工艺都可以实现TN达标,Phoredox工艺适应反硝化速率较低的高性价比复合碳源,且具有节省工程投资和碳源成本较低的优势(二期处理水量按 2 万m3/d计,节省DNBF建设投资 899 万元,年节约碳源567.61 t,节省约68.82 万元).以TN为重难点的污水处理新建工程可以采用Phoredox强化脱氮工艺,提标工程可以采用AAO串联AO段的解决方案.

More wastewater treatment plants(WWTP)upgrading and new expansion of three-stage denitrification biological filter(DNBF)process under the standard of Minjiang and Tuojiang River.DNBF has the limit of nitrogen removal TN≤3 mg/L advantage,but there are activated sludge,SS,etc.caused by the filter media slate and biological clogging and other common problems.The secondary biochemical Phoredox process can achieve deep denitrification NO3--N<2 mg/L by adding carbon source,which fully exploits the denitrification capacity of the secondary biological treatment section and simplifies the denitrification process,but there are fewer domestic engineering cases.A WWTP in Sichuan as an example of AAO+DNBF and Phoredox two processes for nitrogen removal effect of comparison,and combined with the principle of process nitrogen removal,design parameters,the actual treatment of water,TN effluent water quality,carbon source selection and dosage,etc.,and found that the addition of an external carbon source under the circumstances of the two processes could be achieved to meet the standard for TN.Phoredox process was adapted to high cost-effective composite carbon source with lower denitrification rate,and it had the advantages of saving engineering investment and lower cost of carbon source(20 000 m3/d of water treated in the second phase,saving 8.99 million yuan of DNBF construction investment,and 567.61 t of carbon source per year,which was about 688.2 thousand yuan).The new project of wastewater treatment with TN as the most difficult point can adopt Phoredox enhanced nitrogen removal process,and the upgrading project can adopt AAO tandem AO section solution.


中国市政工程中南设计研究总院有限公司,湖北武汉 430010



Phoredox processAAODNBFpre-aeration biofiltercarbon source

《净水技术》 2024 (007)

126-133 / 8

