

Study on height and development form of roof water flowing fractured zone based on similar simulation test


目的 为研究采动影响下顶板导水裂隙带高度及其发育形态,方法 以司马煤矿三采区1303工作面为研究对象,开展相似模拟试验,并以此为基础,对顶板的岩性组合加以改变,结合数字照相量测系统对不同岩性组合顶板导裂带高度和发育形态进行分析,并进行理论验证.结果 结果表明:(1)工作面推进长度为160 m时,硬岩岩性顶板模型、硬-软岩岩性组合顶板模型以及软岩岩性顶板模型的导水裂隙带最大发育高度分别为69.6,55.6,61.1 m;(2)3种模型的导水裂隙带发育形态分别为底角50°的正梯形、前底角62°后底角60°的近似正梯形、前底角50°后底角60°的梯形;(3)根据模型试验和数据统计结果,给出适用于长治二岗山断褶带以南井田导水裂隙带发育高度预测式;(4)运用材料力学方法分析垮落角形成规律,垮落角与导水裂隙带发育高度呈反正切函数关系,并计算得到3种模型导水裂隙带前底角发育角度,分别为49.24°,61.21°和51.12°.通过导高计算公式得到3种模型导水裂隙带发育高度分别为74.1,51.1,59 m,均与相似模拟试验结果吻合.结论 研究结果对各类岩性顶板煤矿导水裂隙带发育高度预测具有参考意义.

Objectives In order to study the height and development form of roof water-conducting fracture zone under the influence of mining,Methods a similar simulation test was carried out on the 1303 working face in the third mining area of Sima Coal Mine.Based on this,by changing the lithological combination of roof,the development height and shape of roof fracture zone in different lithological combinations were ana-lyzed and verified theoretically by digital photogrammetry system.Results The application results showed that:(1)When the advancing length of the working face was 160 m,the maximum development height of the leading fracture zone of the hard rock lithologic roof model,the hard-soft rock lithologic combination roof model and the soft rock lithologic roof model were 69.6 m,55.6 m and 61.1 m respectively.(2)The de-velopment patterns of the three models were the normal trapezoid with a bottom angle of 50°,the approxi-mate normal trapezoid with a front bottom angle of 62° and a rear bottom angle of 60°,and the trapezoid with a front bottom angle of 50° and a rear bottom angle of 60°.(3)Based on the results of model test and statistical data,a prediction expression for the development height of water-channeling fracture zone in the south of Ergangshan fault-fold belt in Changzhi was given.(4)Using the method of material mechanics,the formation law of collapse angle was analyzed.The results showed that the relationship between the collapse angle and the development height of the pilot fracture zone was an arctangent function.The development angles of the front and bottom corners of the three models were calculated to be 49.24°,61.21°,and 51.12°,respectively.The development heights of the guided fracture zones in the three models were 74.1 m,51.1 m,and 59 m respectively,which were consistent with the results of similar simulation tests.Conclusions The research results had certain reference significance for the prediction of the development height of water flow-ing fractured zone in various roof lithology coal mines.


河南理工大学 土木工程学院,河南 焦作 454000



water conducting fracture zonedevelopmental heightdevelopmental morphologysimilar testlithologic combination of roof

《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (004)

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