

Research on displacement monitoring of high formwork system based on lightweight multi-target visual perception


大型钢筋混凝土支撑系统(高支模)的失效将导致结构瞬时坍塌倾覆,因此针对支撑系统位移监测的精度及实时性尤为重要.对此,提出了面向高支模安全监控的轻量化多目标视觉感知方法.针对监测过程中目标遮挡及光线较差难题,采用直方图金字塔-Otsu多级阈值分割方法,基于面积和形状一致性约束,并结合无源红外靶标实现了遮挡发生时靶标中心的鲁棒提取;针对支撑系统测点多且难以实时监测问题,基于初始定位和目标跟踪窗口的更新优化,开发了 Camshift-高斯质心轻量化多目标检测算法,实现了支撑系统多目标实时监测.融合以上方法,进一步开发了具备边缘计算功能的在线相机软硬一体化监测与预警系统.所开发方法及系统成功应用于某核电浇筑平台的高大模板支撑系统位移监测,实现了实时数据采集(2 fps)及自动处理(精度达到0.35 mm),展现了轻量化多目标视觉感知方法在高支模安全监控中的有效性.

The failure of large reinforced concrete support systems(high formwork systems)may lead to instantaneous collapse and overturning of structures,thus the accuracy and real-time performance of the displacement monitoring of the formwork system are particularly important.Accordingly,a lightweight multi-target visual perception method for safety monitoring of high formwork system is proposed.For target occlusion and poor light in the monitoring process,a Pyramid-Histogram-Otsu multilevel threshold segmentation method is proposed,based on the area and shape consistency constraints,combined with a passive infrared target to achieve a robust extraction of the center.For multiple measurement points and real-time monitoring of the formwork system,based on the initial positioning and update optimization of the target tracking window,a Camshift-Gaussian-Centroid lightweight multi-target detection algorithm is developed to realize real-time monitoring of multi-targets in the formwork system.By integrating the above innovations,an online camera software-hardware integrated monitoring and warning system with edge computing capability is further developed.The developed method and system are successfully applied to the displacement monitoring of the high formwork system of a nuclear power casting platform,realizing real-time data acquisition(2 fps)and automatic processing(with accuracy of 0.35 mm),and demonstrating the effectiveness of the lightweight multi-target visual perception method in the safety monitoring of the formwork system.


东南大学土木工程学院,江苏南京 211189中国核工业华兴建设有限公司核岛土建,江苏南京 210019中国核工业华兴建设有限公司核岛土建,江苏南京 210019东南大学土木工程学院,江苏南京 211189



high formwork systemdisplacement monitoring and warningtarget occlusionlightweightmulti-targetconsistency constraint

《建筑结构学报》 2024 (7)



