Verification of Short-term Forecast for F10.7 Index and Ap Index
国家空间天气监测预警中心(NCSW)从 2004年 7月 1日开始对用户提供空间天气预报服务,其中包括未来 24h,48 h和 72h的F10.7 指数和Ap指数预报.本文对 2005-2022年NCSW的F10.7 指数和Ap指数的预报结果进行了检验.通过检验发现,NCSW预报的未来 24h,48 h和 72h的F10.7 指数平均比实测值偏小;未来24h的Ap指数平均比实测值偏大,未来 48h和 72h的Ap指数平均比实测值偏小.太阳活动水平越高,F10.7 指数的预报误差越大;但是Ap指数预报误差最大值反而出现在太阳活动下降段.此外,通过与跟报模型、14天回归模型、14天回归修正模型、27天回归模型和 27天回归修正模型等简单的统计预报模型对比发现,NCSW的预报性能整体优于简单的统计预报模型.对于F10.7 指数,NCSW的预报性能略好于跟报模型,明显好于 4个回归模型,但是当太阳活动水平较高时,跟报模型未来 72h的F10.7 指数预报性能优于NCSW;对于Ap指数,多数情况下,NCSW的预报性能明显优于统计预报模型,但是地磁扰动剧烈时,27天回归模型预报的Ap指数反而比NC-SW的预报更准确.
The National Center for Space Weather(NCSW)has been providing space weather fore-casts for the next 24 h,48 h and 72 h since 1 July 2004.In this paper,the average error,the average ab-solute error,the skill score,the median error and the interquartile range of error are used to verify the F10.7 index and Ap index forecasted by NCSW from 2005 to 2022.It was found that the F10.7 index fore-casted by NCSW for the next 24 h,48 h,and 72 h are usually smaller than the observed F10.7 index;the Ap index for the next 24 h is usually higher than the observed Ap index,while Ap index forecasted for the next 48 h and 72 h are usually lower than the observed Ap index.The higher the level of solar activi-ty,the greater the forecast error of the F10.7 index is.However,the maximum forecast error of the Ap in-dex occurs in the declining period of solar activity.In addition,we compared the forecasts of NCSW with the simple statistical models such as the persistence model,14 days recurrence model,14 days cor-rected recurrence model,27 days recurrence model,and 27 days corrected recurrence model,and found that the forecast performance of NCSW is usually better than that of five simple statistical models.For the F10.7 index,the forecast performance of NCSW is slightly better than that of the persistence model,and significantly better than that of the four recurrence models.However,when the solar activity level is high,the persistence model's performance of the F10.7 index for the next 72 h is better than that of NC-SW.For the Ap index,in most cases,the performance of NCSW is significantly better than that of sta-tistical models.However,when geomagnetic disturbances are severe,the Ap index forecasted by the 27 days recurrence model is more accurate than that forecasted by NCSW.
中国气象局空间天气重点开放实验室/国家卫星气象中心(国家空间天气监测预警中心)北京 100081||许健民气象卫星创新中心 北京 100081中国气象局空间天气重点开放实验室/国家卫星气象中心(国家空间天气监测预警中心)北京 100081||许健民气象卫星创新中心 北京 100081中国气象局空间天气重点开放实验室/国家卫星气象中心(国家空间天气监测预警中心)北京 100081||许健民气象卫星创新中心 北京 100081中国气象局空间天气重点开放实验室/国家卫星气象中心(国家空间天气监测预警中心)北京 100081||许健民气象卫星创新中心 北京 100081中国气象局空间天气重点开放实验室/国家卫星气象中心(国家空间天气监测预警中心)北京 100081||许健民气象卫星创新中心 北京 100081中国气象局空间天气重点开放实验室/国家卫星气象中心(国家空间天气监测预警中心)北京 100081||许健民气象卫星创新中心 北京 100081
Space weatherForecast verificationF10.7 indexAp index
《空间科学学报》 2024 (3)