

The Impact of Digital Technology Convergence and Dynamic Technology Communities on High-quality Innovation Performance


数字经济时代,数据资源的开放与共享特征,使得创新主体能够及时快速地获取创新知识,从而推动创新合作从顺序线性模式转变为多层网状模式,"群式"创新范式蓬勃兴起.深度数实融合背景下,如何依托技术群落的动态配置实现产业高质量创新是亟待解决的重要议题.研究基于HimmPat全球专利智能检索分析平台,获取新能源产业2000-2022年间的1 416 820条专利数据,构建16 6个专利引用网络,执行层级回归分析,检验数字技术融合、动态群落对产业创新绩效的影响.结果表明:数字技术融合正向影响产业创新绩效;群内成员变动和成员跨群流动均正向调节数字技术融合对产业创新绩效的正向作用.研究发现,治理产业创新网络中技术群落的动态行为有助于提升数字化情境下的产业创新绩效.

In the era of digital economy,the openness and sharing of data resources enable innovative entities to quickly and timely acquire innovative knowledge.This has driven innovation cooperation to shift from a sequential linear model to a multi-layer network model,resulting in the flourishing of the innovation paradigm of community.Under the deep fusion of data and reality,how to rely on technology communities to achieve high-quality innovation through technology convergence is an important issue that urgently needs to be addressed.This study focuses on the new energy industry and constructs 166 patent citation networks based on 1 416 820 patent data obtained from the HimmPat global intelligent patent retrieval and analysis platform from 2000 to 2022.Hierarchical regression analysis is performed to examine the impact mechanism of digital technology convergence and dynamic behavior of technolo-gy communities'members on industrial innovation performance.The research results indicate that the convergence of digital technology has a positive impact on the innovation performance of the new energy industry;Both intra communities'member changes and cross communities'member mobility positively regulate the positive effect of digital technology convergence on the innovation performance.This study found that governing the dynamic behavior of industrial technology communities can help improve in-dustrial innovation performance in the context of digitalization.


郑州轻工业大学经济与管理学院,河南郑州 450001



innovation performancedigital technology convergencetechnology communitydynamic behavior of memberscommunities'member changescross communities'member mobility

《技术与创新管理》 2024 (004)

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