Exploration of Joint Innovation Team Integration Mechanism of Multiple Subjects
高新技术企业要破解"卡脖子"技术问题,需要联合多元主体组建创新团队,但多元主体联合创新团队存在着沟通与适应不畅、融合难,利益共享机制缺失,创新要素交流梗阻等问题.以3家企业作为研究对象,采用基于扎根理论的多案例研究方法,利用Nvivo 12质性分析软件,构建了多元主体联合创新团队融通机制的理论模型.研究发现:合作与意愿融通是联合创新团队融通的基础支撑,融通动力、创新要素动态流动共享与保障推动联合创新团队融通的持续发展,创新成果转化共益、基于风险共担的利益共享是联合创新团队融通的关键保障.该理论模型的提出,为联合创新团队进行融通创新提供了一种理论模型范式,助推联合创新团队实现融合与畅通.
High-tech enterprises to cracking the"neck"technical problems requires multiple subjects to jointly form innovation teams,but the joint innovation teams of multiple subjects have such problems as poor communication and adaptation,integration difficulties,lack of benefit-sharing mechanism,and obstruction of communication of innovation elements.Taking three enterprises as the research object,a-dopting the multi-case study method based on the grounded theory and utilizing the Nvivo12 qualitative analysis software,the paper constructed the theoretical model of the integration mechanism of the joint innovation team of multiple subjects.The results show that cooperation and willingness integration are the basic support for the integration of joint innovation teams,the dynamic flow sharing and guarantee of integration motivation and innovation elements promote the sustainable development of joint innova-tion team integration,and the transformation of innovation achievements is the key guarantee for the in-tegration of joint innovation teams..The proposed theoretical model provides a theoretical model para-digm for the joint innovation team to carry out integration and innovation,and helps the joint innovation team to realize integration and smooth communication.
上海理工大学管理学院,上海 200093
Integration mechanismJoint innovation teamGrounded theory"necked"technologyMultiple subjects
《技术与创新管理》 2024 (004)
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