

Research on Evolutionary Game of Green Innovation Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Innovative Networks among Manufacturing Companies


为了推动创新网络中制造业绿色转型发展,基于知识共享和博弈相关理论,建立创新网络中制造业绿色创新知识共享的演化博弈模型,并对演化策略进行了稳定性分析同时使用Mat-lab 进行数值仿真分析.研究发现:创新网络中高位势企业和低位势企业选择绿色知识共享和知识搜索策略的概率会随着知识共享成本及知识搜索成本的增加而减少;高位势企业选择知识共享的概率随着知识产权保护强度系数的增加而增加;低位势企业选择知识搜索的概率随着知识溢出系数和吸收能力的增加而增加,但要注意到适度的知识产权保护强度系数与知识溢出系数才能促进创新网络中的知识共享与搜索行为;当知识共享与搜索产生的协同收益增加时,创新网络中知识共享、知识搜索以及政府支持绿色创新的概率均增加;政府选择主动支持与不主动支持绿色创新的收益之差影响政府是否支持绿色创新.因此,研究为促进制造业创新网络中绿色知识共享行为提供理论支持和建议.

In order to promote green transition development of the manufacturing industry in the inno-vation network.Based on knowledge sharing and game theory,an evolutionary game model for green in-novation knowledge sharing in the manufacturing industry in the innovation network was established.Stability analysis has been conducted on the evolutionary strategies,and numerical simulation analysis has been carried out using MATLAB.Research has found that in innovation networks,the probability of high knowledge potential enterprises and low knowledge potential enterprises choosing green knowledge sharing and knowledge search strategies decreases with the increase of knowledge sharing and knowl-edge search costs.The probability of high knowledge potential enterprises choosing knowledge sharing increases with the increase of the intensity coefficient of intellectual property protection.The probability of low knowledge potential enterprises choosing knowledge search increases with the increase of knowl-edge spillover coefficient and absorption capacity,but it should be noted that moderate intellectual property protection intensity coefficient and knowledge spillover coefficient can promote knowledge sha-ring and search behavior in innovation networks.When the collaborative benefits generated by knowl-edge sharing and search increase,the probability of knowledge sharing,knowledge search,and govern-ment support for green innovation in the innovation network all increase.The difference in benefits be-tween actively supporting and not actively supporting green innovation by the government affects wheth-er the government supports green innovation.Therefore,the study provides theoretical support and sug-gestions for promoting green knowledge sharing behavior in the innovation network of the manufacturing industry.


太原理工大学经济管理学院,山西晋中 030600



manufacturinginnovation networkgreen innovationknowledge sharingevolutionary game

《技术与创新管理》 2024 (004)

382-390 / 9

