

A polluted weather analysis in Lianyungang area based on unmanned aerial vehicle vertical observation


2020 年12 月11-13 日连云港地区出现了一次大范围重污染天气过程,利用搭载在无人机上的粒子计数器和气溶胶采样装置对连云港地区近地面大气颗粒物进行垂直探测,结合风廓线雷达、地基微波辐射计以及地面气象观测和再分析资料,分析了大气颗粒物浓度廓线和气象要素垂直分布特征,并通过后向轨迹追踪模式分析了污染物来源及扩散情况,探究了此次污染天气的成因.结果表明:风廓线雷达观测的高空风场和微波辐射计测量的温湿变化特征与颗粒物垂直特征具有较好的对应关系,从污染物的垂直分布看,污染严重时段,污染物主要集中在200 m以下高度,污染层浅薄,呈现明显的双峰结构,在污染扩散阶段,随着逆温层减弱抬升,污染物向上扩散,地面污染物浓度明显下降,污染层较为深厚.污染物外源输送和污染物在连云港地区有利气象条件下的吸湿增长是本轮污染天气的主要原因.其中上游污染物传输主要来源于徐州和山东半岛中部地区,污染物离开连云港后主要沿东南到东方向向海上扩散,风向的转变可能是预报污染开始消散的关键气象条件,而风速的大小则是污染物消散快慢的关键.

During a large-scale heavy pollution weather process in Lianyungang area from December 11 to 13,2020,this paper used the aerosol sampling device and laser particle counter carried by the Unmanned Aerial Vehi-cle(UAV)to vertically detect the near-ground atmospheric particulate matter,combined with wind profile radar,ground-based microwave radiometer data,ground meteorological observation data,and reanalysis data,and ana-lyzed the atmospheric particulate matter concentration profile and the vertical distribution of meteorological ele-ments.The source and diffusion of pollutants were analyzed through the backward trajectory tracking mode,and the causes of the polluted weather were explored.The results show that the high-altitude wind field observed by the wind profile radar and the temperature and humidity characteristics measured by microwave radiometer have a good correspondence with the vertical characteristics of particulate matter.From the vertical distribution of pollu-tants,during the serious pollution period,the pollutants are mainly concentrated at the height below 200 m,the pol-lution layer is shallow,showing an obvious bimodal structure.In the pollution diffusion stage,the pollutants spread upward,the concentration of pollutants on the ground decreases significantly,and the pollution layer is relatively deep with the weakening and rising of the inversion layer.The exogenous transport of pollutants and the hygro-scopic growth of pollutants under favorable meteorological conditions in Lianyungang area are the main reasons for this polluted weather process.The main sources of upstream pollutant transport are Xuzhou and the central region of Shandong Peninsula,and after leaving Lianyungang,pollutants mainly spread along southeast to east to sea.The change of wind direction probably a key meteorological condition for predicting the beginning of pollutant dissipa-tion,while wind speed is the key to the pollutant dissipation speed.


连云港市气象局,江苏连云港 222000||中国气象局交通气象重点开放实验室,江苏南京 210008



Fog and hazeParticulate matterVertical detectionUnmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)Mass concentra-tion

《气象与环境学报》 2024 (003)

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