

Spatio-temporal characteristics of air quality in Liaoning province based on the Air Quality Composite Index


基于2015-2022 年辽宁省 80 个国控站点和 109 个省控站点空气质量监测数据,计算空气质量综合指数(Air Quality Composite Index,AQCI),分析辽宁省空气质量时间变化规律,并应用ArcGIS空间自相关方法探讨不同时间尺度AQCI空间分布特征.结果表明:2015-2022 年辽宁省AQCI总体呈下降趋势,由2015 年的5.64 降至2022 年的3.55;2022 年空气质量优良率较2015 年提升24.7%;首要污染物中O3、PM2.5和PM10占比从93.1%增加到99.0%.各季AQCI呈夏季<秋季<春季<冬季的分布规律;空气质量优良率夏季或秋季最高,春季次之,冬季最低;首要污染物呈季节性波动,春、秋、冬季以PM2.5和PM10污染为主,O3 污染主要出现在夏季.AQCI月变化明显,1 月最高,7 月或8 月最低,各市差异较大;空气质量优良率1 月最低,8 月最高;各月首要污染物中PM2.5、PM10和O3 合计占比超过90%.辽宁省AQCI空间聚集特征明显,随时间变化具有差异性,中部城市群高值聚集特征尤为显著.

Based on the air quality monitoring data in Liaoning province from 2015 to 2022,the Air Quality Com-posite Index(AQCI)was used as the characterization index to analyze the temporal variation of air quality,and the ArcGIS spatial autocorrelation tool was used to explore the spatial distribution characteristics of AQCI at differ-ent time scales.The results show that AQCI in Liaoning province shows a downtrend over the past 8 years,decrea-sing from 5.64 in 2015 to 3.55 in 2022.The excellent air quality rate steadily increased,with a 24.7%improve-ment in 2022 compared to 2015.The proportion of O3,PM2.5,and PM10 as primary pollutants increased from 93.1%to 99.0%.The seasonal mean value of AQCI follows the distribution pattern of summer<autumn<spring<winter.The excellent air quality rate is highest in summer or autumn,followed by spring,and winter is lowest.The primary pollutants show seasonal fluctuations,with PM2.5 and PM10 being the main pollutants in spring,au-tumn,and winter,while O3 pollution mainly occurs in summer.The monthly variation in AQCI is significant,which varies largely in different cities,with the highest values in January and the lowest values in July or August.The ex-cellent air quality rate is lowest in January and highest in August.PM2.5,PM10,and O3 account for more than 90%of the primary pollutants each month.The spatial aggregation characteristics of AQCI in Liaoning province are evi-dent,with variations over time.The high-value aggregation characteristics of the central urban agglomeration are particularly significant.


丹东市气象局,辽宁丹东 118000丹东生态环境监测中心,辽宁丹东 118000丹东市气象局,辽宁丹东 118000丹东市气象局,辽宁丹东 118000丹东市气象局,辽宁丹东 118000丹东市气象局,辽宁丹东 118000



Air Quality Composite Index(AQCI)Primary pollutantsExcellent air quality rateSpatial autocorrela-tion

《气象与环境学报》 2024 (3)



