

Analysis of air pollution characteristics and meteorological conditions in Shandong province during 2013-2021


利用2013-2021 年山东环境监测站点逐时数据,统计了6 项污染物的特征,探讨了颗粒物(PM)与臭氧(O3)时空分布,分析了气象条件和污染来源.结果表明:2013-2021 年山东空气质量逐年转好,2021 年PM2.5年平均质量浓度较2013 年下降了60.2%,O3 年平均浓度整体呈现逐年上升趋势,其他5 项污染物浓度均降低,PM和O3 是影响山东空气质量的重要污染物.CO、NO2、PM10、PM2.5和SO2 浓度呈现冬高夏低的单峰型特征,O3 浓度呈现夏高冬低的单峰型特征;空间分布呈现中西部高东部低的特征.PM2.5气象条件评估指数和大气自净能力指数特征显示,2013-2021 年有利的气象条件和减排共同作用使山东PM2.5年平均浓度较2013 年下降59 μg·m-3,减排是PM2.5年平均浓度下降的主因.来源解析表明,山东大部地区PM2.5本省排放占比高,相比2019 年,2021 年本地排放占比有所降低,距离河北和河南越近的地区外源输入占比越大;2019 年7 个通道城市本地排放占31%~54%,2021 年为19%~34%,鲁西北地区受外省输送影响最大.

The hourly data from environmental monitoring stations in Shandong province during 2013-2021 was used to characterize six pollutants,to explore the temporal and spatial distributions of particulate matter(PM)and ozone(O3),and to analyze the meteorological conditions and sources of pollution.The results show that the air quality in Shandong province has improved year by year from 2013 to 2021.The annual mean mass concentration of PM2.5 in 2021 decreased by 60.2%compared to that in 2013.The annual mean concentration of O3 shows a ris-ing trend year by year during 2013-2021,while the concentrations of the other five pollutants decrease.PM and O3 are the most important pollutants affecting the air quality in Shandong province.CO,NO2,PM10,PM2.5,and SO2 concentrations exhibit a unimodal pattern characterized by highs in winter and lows in summer;O3 concentrations show a unimodal pattern feature with the highest in summer and the lowest in winter.The spatial distribution is characterized by high pollutant concentrations in the central and western part of Shandong province and low con-centrations in the eastern part of Shandong province.Environmental meteorological index and atmospheric self-pur-ification capacity index characteristics show that the combination of favorable meteorological conditions and emis-sion reduction during 2013-2021 led to a 59 μg·m-3 decrease in the annual average concentration of PM2.5 in 2021 compared to that in 2013,with emission reduction as the main reason.Source apportionment shows that the propor-tion of PM2.5 from local emissions is high in most areas of Shandong province.The share of local emissions de-creased in 2021 compared to that in 2019.An area is closer to Hebei and He'nan provinces,the share of exogenous transmission is the larger.Local emissions in the seven corridor cities accounted for 31%~54%in 2019,and 19%~34%in 2021,with northwest Shandong province being the most affected by external transport.


山东省气象防灾减灾重点实验室,山东济南 250031||山东省气象台,山东济南 250031国家气象中心,北京 100081中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081山东省气象防灾减灾重点实验室,山东济南 250031||山东省气候中心,山东济南 250031



PollutantsMeteorological conditionSource apportionment

《气象与环境学报》 2024 (003)

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