

The Paths of High-quality Development of Forest Health Care Industry Enabled by New Quality Productive Forces


通过构建森林康养产业增长优化模型,利用数值法设定4 种情境考察产业增长率及其关键动力因素.在此基础上,建立动态系统模型,分析森林康养产业增长率及各关键动力因素随时间变化和不同政策发展变化的趋势,并采用Python的数值方法对系统进行模拟和敏感度分析,探究模型关键参数变化对产业增长率及绿色生产力的影响.研究结果表明:科技创新、管理创新及绿色生产力是新质生产力的核心要素,对森林康养产业的高质量发展起到决定性作用;科技创新对提高服务效率、优化客户体验以及开发新型康养产品等方面起关键性推动作用;管理创新可以有效提升组织的运营效率和市场适应性,从而增强产业的整体竞争力;采用环保材料、节能技术及生态友好型康养活动设计有助于推动森林康养产业的可持续发展.

⑴Background——New quality productive forces is an important driving force for economic and social de-velopment.New quality productive forces can help to promote the supply of diversified products and services in the development of forest health care industry and the deep integration of forest health care industry and other re-lated industries to form an industrial chain.In the face of challenges such as the balance between environmental protection and sustainable utilization of resources,the improvement of health care service quality,and the im-provement of relevant policies and industry standards,the introduction of new quality productive forces provides new opportunities for the development of forest health care industry. ⑵ Methods——Four factors of scientific and technological innovation,talents cultivation,management in-novation and green productivity were selected as the independent variables to build a model of forest health care industry growth optimization.By constructing Lagrangian function to introduce constraint conditions,this paper used Lagrange multiplier method to balance the objective functions and constraint conditions,obtain the optimal solution of each variable,and maximize the growth rate G of forest health care industry.In the process of solving the model,the influence of four scenarios on industrial growth rate and key driving factors was investigated by numerical method to reveal the decisive influence of policy choice on industrial potential.Time was dynamically introduced into the mathematical model of forest health care industry growth,and a dynamic system model was constructed.Python numerical methodwas used to simulate the system and analyse its sensitivity,so as to explore the impact of changes of the key parameters in the model on industrial growth rate and green productivity. ⑶Results——First,scientific and technological innovation,management innovation and green productivi-ty are the core elements of new quality productive forces,which play a decisive role in the high-quality develop-ment of forest health care industry.Second,scientific and technological innovation plays a key role in improving service efficiency,optimizing customer experience and developing new health care products.Third,some meas-ures of management innovation can effectively improve the operational efficiency and market adaptability of the organization,thus enhancing the overall competitiveness of the industry.Fourth,green productivity plays a core role in the development of forest health care industry.The use of environmentally friendly materials,energy-sav-ing technologies and the design of eco-friendlyrecreationalactivities contribute to the sustainable development of the forest health care industry. ⑷Conclusions and Discussions——Based on the above research conclusions,four paths are proposed to enable the high-quality development of forest health care industry with new quality productive forces:First,im-prove the service quality and operational efficiency of forest health care and promote the transformation and up-grading of the industrythrough the application of cutting-edge technologies,intelligent management,research and development of new products and other scientific and technological innovation means.Second,promote the deep integration of forest health care industry with tourism,pharmaceutical industry,sports industry,elderly care in-dustry and other industries.Third,introduce modern management concepts,innovate talents cultivation modes,optimize resources allocation and operation modes,and standardize management system.Fourth,give full play to the leading role of green productivity by strengthening environmental protection concepts and technologies and supporting industrial green development.


温州商学院 管理学院,浙江温州 325035哈尔滨师范大学 经济管理学院,哈尔滨 150025哈尔滨信息工程学院 商学院,哈尔滨 150431



forest health care industrynew quality productive forceshigh-quality developmentpaths

《林业经济问题》 2024 (002)

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