

The Coupling and Coordination Relationship between High-quality Development of Forestry and New Quality Productive Forces


林业高质量发展与新质生产力的融合协调发展是促进林业经济增长和可持续发展的关键.基于耦合协调模型对全国30 个省份林业高质量发展与新质生产力的耦合协调关系及时空演化特征进行分析.结果表明:2010-2022 年全国林业高质量发展水平、新质生产力水平以及两者的耦合协调度都呈现上升趋势,但总体水平偏低,且都存在区域发展不平衡的问题.基于研究结论,提出政策建议:实施区域林业协调发展策略;强化林业科技创新与人才培养;加快塑造林业新型生产关系;完善林业政策与管理体系.

⑴Background——Forestry plays a vital role in maintaining ecological balance and promoting green devel-opment.High-quality development becomes the inevitable trend of forestry development,and new quality produc-tive forces is the key factor to promote high-quality development.At present,although the level of new quality productive forces in China is gradually rising,the overall level is not high.Existing studies mainly focus on the development paths of forestry industry and the role and development of new quality productive forces,but few studies have linked the two. ⑵ Methods——On the basis of theoretical analysis,this paper constructed the evaluation index system of high-quality development of forestry and new quality productive forces.The research data were panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2010 to 2022.First,the weight of each index of high-quality development of forestry and new quality productive forces was determined by the entropy coefficient method.Second,the development inde-xes of high-quality development of forestry and new quality productive forces were calculated by using the weigh-ting function.Finally,the coupling coordination model was used for quantitative analysis to reveal the coupling and coordination relationship between high-quality development of forestry and new quality productive forces. ⑶ Results——First,the level of high-quality development of forestry and new quality productive forces in China has been improving year by year from 2010 to 2022,and the two influence and promote each other.Sec-ond,the coupling coordination degree of high-quality development of forestry and new quality productive forces continues to rise,from the moderate imbalance stage to the verge of imbalance stage,but the overall coupling co-ordination degree is still low.Third,the difference in the level of new quality productive forces between eastern and western China is particularly obvious.The coupling coordination degree of high-quality development of forest-ry and new quality productive forces in central and eastern China show an upward trend,while the coupling coor-dination degree in western China increases slowly,and is lower than the national average level. ⑷Conclusions and Discussions——In order to realize the integration of high-quality development of for-estry and new quality productive forces,the following policy suggestions are put forward:First,implement the coordinated development strategy of regional forestry.Strengthen the exchange and cooperation of forestry technol-ogy between the central and eastern regions and the western regions,and the western region should strengthen the research and development of new quality productive forces in forestry.Second,strengthen forestry science and technology innovation and talents cultivation.Guide and support forestry enterprises to increase investment in sci-entific and technological innovation.Attach importance to the cultivation and introduction of forestry science and technology talents.Third,speed up the shaping of new forestry production relations.Integrate forestry science and technology innovation resources and coordinate the promotion of technological change,factors aggregation and in-dustrial upgrading by relying on the local unique new forestry collective economic development model.Give full play to the advanced advantages of the new forestry collective economy in forestry capital and forestry technology,and promote the improvement of forestry total factor productivity.Fourth,improve the forestry policy and manage-ment system.Introduce a more comprehensive and systematic policy and management system for the integration and synergistic development of high-quality development of forestry and new quality productive forces.


福建农林大学 公共管理与法学院,福州 350002福建农林大学 马克思主义学院,福州 350002



high-quality development of forestrynew quality productive forcescoupling coordination

《林业经济问题》 2024 (002)

128-135 / 8


