

Research on sound insulation performance of lightweight composite wood door based on vertical corrugated structure


本研究提出一种立式瓦楞结构的木门芯层填充材料,使用该材料制成不同结构的复合板,依据相关标准测试对比复合板隔声性能,之后将该材料用于木门芯层填充,对比验证木门门扇和整樘门的隔声性能.该研究旨在实现立式瓦楞板在复合木门芯层填充中的应用,并实现一种轻质隔声的复合木门,同时为木门的量产提供更加全面、系统的数据参考和技术支持.结果表明,在复合板隔声测试过程中,立式瓦楞复合板计权隔声量比桥洞力学复合板和蜂窝复合板分别高0.6和3.4 dB,证明其作为隔声木门芯层填充的可行性.通过调整立式瓦楞复合板瓦楞层的排列形式和更换芯夹层材料,最高可以分别提高隔声性能0.6和2.6 dB,表明立式瓦楞复合板的隔声性能存在提升空间.木门隔声测试结果表明,采用双层立式瓦楞板填充的木门在门扇隔声测试和整樘门隔声测试中,隔声性能分别高于采用桥洞力学板填充的木门2和1 dB,证明立式瓦楞用于木门芯层填充具有良好隔声性能.

In this study,a vertical corrugated wood door core filling material was developed,composite boards of diffe-rent structures were made from the material,and the sound insulation performances of the composite boards were tested and compared according to relevant standards.Then the material was used in the core filling of wood doors to compare and the sound insulation performances of the door leaf and the entire door were verified.This study was aimed at achie-ving the wide application of vertical corrugated board in the core layer filling of composite wooden doors with the goal of creating lightweight sound-insulating composite wooden doors.Additionally,it was expected to provide more compre-hensive and systematic data reference and technical support for the mass production of wooden doors.The results showed that,in the sound insulation test of composite panels,the weighted sound insulation of vertical corrugated composite panels was 0.6 dB higher than that of bridge-hole mechanic composite panels and 3.4 dB higher than that of honeycomb composite panels,proving the feasibility of its use as a core layer filler for sound-insulated wooden doors.The sound in-sulation performance can be improved by 0.6 dB through adjusting the arrangement form of the corrugated layers of the vertical corrugated composite panels,and can improve the sound insulation performance by 2.6 dB by replacing the ma-terials of the core interlayer.The results showed that there was a room for improvement in the sound insulation perfor-mance of vertical corrugated composite panels.In the sound insulation test of the door leaf,the sound insulation performance of the wooden door filled with double-layer vertical corrugated panels was 2 dB higher than that of the wooden door filled with the mechanical board of the bridge.In the sound insulation test of the door as a whole,the sound insulation performance of the wooden door filled with double-layer vertical corrugated panels was 1 dB higher than that of the wooden door filled with the mechanical board of the bridge,demonstrating that the core of the wooden door filled with the vertical corrugated structure has good sound insulation performance.


中南林业科技大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410004中南林业科技大学家具与艺术设计学院,长沙 410004欧派家居集团股份有限公司,广州 510450



vertical corrugated panelacoustic insulation wood dooracoustic insulation performancewood composite doorsandwich panels

《林业工程学报》 2024 (004)

48-54 / 7


