

Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Addition on Soil Water-Stable Aggregates and Organic Carbon Distribution in Moso Bamboo Forests in Subtropical China


[目的]研究氮(N)、磷(P)添加对亚热带毛竹林土壤水稳性团聚体及土壤有机碳(SOC)分布的影响,揭示毛竹林SOC对N、P添加的响应特征,为N沉降背景下毛竹林固碳增汇提供数据支持.[方法]以NH4NO3 为N源、NaH2PO4 为P源,设置不同N、P添加量的 4个处理:CK(0 kg·hm-2a-1 N+0 kg·hm-2a-1 P)、N(120 kg·hm-2a-1 N)、P(120 kg·hm-2a-1 P)和 NP(120 kg·hm-2a-1 N+120 kg·hm-2a-1 P),3年后分析 N、P添加对毛竹林土壤 0~20、20~40 和40~60 cm土层不同粒级(>2、0.25~2、0.053~0.25和<0.053 mm)团聚体含量、平均重量直径(MWD)、几何平均直径(GMD)及其SOC分布的影响.[结果]1)各土层土壤水稳性团聚体均以大团聚体(>0.25 mm)为主,各处理大团聚体含量均随土层加深而降低,微团聚体(<0.25 mm)含量随土层加深而增加.在 0~20 cm土层,N处理显著增加微团聚体含量,对大团聚体含量无显著影响;P处理对团聚体组成无显著影响;NP处理显著增加微团聚体含量、降低大团聚体含量;各处理对水稳性团聚体MWD和GMD均无显著影响.在 20~40和 40~60 cm土层,与CK相比,各处理均呈大团聚体含量降低、微团聚体含量增加的趋势.在 20~40 cm土层,P处理显著降低水稳性团聚体MWD和GMD,N处理对水稳性团聚体MWD和GMD无显著影响,NP处理显著降低水稳性团聚体MWD,对水稳性团聚体GMD无显著影响;在 40~60 cm土层,各处理均显著降低水稳性团聚体MWD和GMD.2)与CK相比,N、P处理显著降低各土层SOC含量;NP处理对 0~20和 20~40 cm土层SOC含量均无显著影响,但显著降低 40~60 cm土层SOC含量.3)N处理对 0~20和 40~60 cm土层土壤团聚体SOC贡献率均无显著影响,仅增加 20~40 cm土层土壤大团聚体SOC贡献率、降低微团聚体SOC贡献率;NP处理显著降低各土层大团聚体SOC贡献率、增加微团聚体SOC贡献率;P处理对团聚体SOC贡献率的影响在 20~40和 40~60 cm土层与NP处理对其的影响趋势一致,对 0~20 cm土层无显著影响.[结论]N、P同时添加可在一定程度上减缓N或P单独添加引起的毛竹林SOC含量降低;P添加可促进SOC由大团聚体向微团聚体转移,增加SOC稳定性.在N素相对富集、P限制的亚热带森林土壤中,P添加可缓解N沉降引起的SOC含量降低,并在一定程度上促进SOC固定.

[Objective]This study aims to investigate the effects of nitrogen(N)and phosphorus(P)addition on soil water-stable aggregates and soil organic carbon(SOC)distribution in moso bamboo forest in subtropical China,and reveal the response of soil SOC in bamboo forest to N and P addition,providing data support for carbon sequestration and sink enhancement in bamboo forest under N deposition background.[Method]In this study,NH4NO3 was used as N source,NaH2PO4 was used as P source and 4 treatments(CK:0 kg·hm-2a-1N+0 kg·hm-2a-1P,N:120 kg·hm-2a-1N,P:120 kg·hm-2a-1P,NP:120 kg·hm-2a-1N+120 kg·hm-2a-1P)were set.After N and P addition for 3 years,changes of different particle size(>2,0.25-2,0.053-0.25,and<0.053 mm)composition,mean weight diameter(MWD),geometric mean diameter(GMD)and SOC content were investigated.[Result]1)The content of water-stable aggregates in each soil layer was mainly macro-aggregates(>0.25 mm),and the content of macro-aggregates decreased with the increase of soil depth,while the content of micro-aggregates(<0.25 mm)increased with the increase of soil depth.In 0-20 cm soil layer,N treatment significantly increased the content of micro-aggregates,but had no significant effect on the content of macro-aggregates;P treatment had no significant effect on aggregate composition;NP treatment significantly increased the content of micro-aggregates and decreased the content of macro-aggregates;each treatment has no significant effect on MWD and GMD of water-stable aggregates.In 20-40 and 40-60 cm soil layer,the content of macro-aggregate decreased and the content of micro-aggregate increased in each treatment.In 20-40 cm soil layer,P treatment significantly reduced the MWD and GMD of water-stable aggregates,N treatment had no significant effect on MWD and GMD of water-stable aggregates,NP treatment significantly reduced the MWD of water-stable aggregates,and had no significant effect on GMD of water-stable aggregates.In 40-60 cm soil layer,each treatment significantly reduced the MWD and GMD of water-stable aggregates.2)Compared with CK,N,and P treatment significantly reduced SOC content in each soil layer;NP treatment significantly reduced SOC content in 40-60 cm soil layer,but had no significant effect on SOC content in 0-20 and 20-40 cm soil layer.3)N treatment only increased the SOC contribution rate of soil macro-aggregates in 20-40 cm soil layer,decreased the SOC contribution rate of soil micro-aggregates,but had no significant effect on the SOC contribution rate of soil aggregates in 0-20 and 40-60 cm soil layer;NP treatment significantly reduced the SOC contribution rate of macro-aggregates and increased the SOC contribution rate of micro-aggregates in each soil layer;the effect of P treatment on SOC contribution rate of aggregates in 20-40 and 40-60 cm soil layers was consistent with that of NP treatment,but there was no significant effect on 0-20 cm soil layer.[Conclusion]NP addition could mitigate the decrease of SOC content caused by N and P addition to a certain extent.P addition could promote the transfer of SOC from macro-aggregates to micro-aggregates and increase the stability of soil carbon.Therefore,in subtropical forest soils where N is relatively rich and P is limited,P addition can alleviate the decrease of SOC content caused by N deposition and promote the sequestration of SOC to a certain extent.


浙江农林大学环境与资源学院、碳中和学院 亚热带森林培育国家重点实验室 浙江省森林生态系统碳循环与固碳减排重点实验室 杭州 311300



nitrogen depositionphosphorus additionwater-stable aggregateorganic carbon

《林业科学》 2024 (007)

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