

Effect of delayed sowing on root growth and development characteristics and yield in cotton


[目的]研究推迟播期对棉花根系生长发育特征和产量的影响,为黄河流域棉区棉花适期播种提供依据.[方法]2022―2023 年在河北农业大学威县试验站开展田间试验,设置常规播期(4 月 15 日)和推迟播期(5 月1 日)2 个处理,分析推迟播期对棉花品种冀农大 23 号的根系分布、根系生长速率、根冠比、干物质积累量和产量等的影响.[结果]与常规播期相比,推迟播期条件下,棉花根系长度和生物量的最大增长速率分别增加2.92~5.35 cm·d-1 和 0.40~0.76 mg·d-1;深层土壤中棉花根系占比提高,其中 30~60 cm土层根系长度占比和根系生物量占比分别增加 2.99~3.55 百分点和 3.94~4.42 百分点;生育后期棉株地上部干物质积累量和根冠比无明显差异;根系载荷能力显著降低 6.43%~17.69%;2022 年籽棉产量无显著差异,2023 年单位面积铃数和籽棉产量分别显著增加 9.72%和 7.66%.相关分析表明,0~60 cm土层根长密度、0~60 cm土层根系生物量密度、根系生物量最大增长速率和 30~60 cm土层根系长度占比均与籽棉产量极显著正相关.[结论]黄河流域棉区推迟播期(5 月 1 日)可通过提高棉花根系生长速率、深层土壤中根系长度和根系生物量的占比,增强根系吸收功能以保障地上部干物质的积累,促进棉花高产.

[Objective]This research aim s to study the effects of delayed sowing on cotton root growth and development characteristics and yield,so as to provide a basis for the timely sowing of cotton in the cotton planting area of the Yellow River Basin.[Methods]A field experiment was carried out at Weixian Experimental Station of Hebei Agricultural University from 2022 to 2023.Two treatments were set as conventional sowing date(15 April)and delayed sowing date(1 May).And the effects of delayed sowing on the root distribution,root growth rate,root-shoot ratio,dry matter accumulation,and yield of a cotton variety Jinongda 23 were analyzed.[Results]Compared with the conventional sowing date,under the delayed sowing condition,the maximum growth rate of cotton root length and root biomass increased by 2.92-5.35 cm·d-1 and 0.40-0.76 mg·d-1,respectively.The proportion of cotton roots in deep soil increased,with root length and biomass in the 30-60 cm soil layer increased by 2.99-3.55 percentage points and 3.94-4.42 percentage points,respectively.There was no obvious difference in aboveground biomass and root-shoot ratio in the late growth stage of cotton.The boll capacity of root system significantly decreased by 6.43%-17.69%.There was no significant difference in seed cotton yield in 2022.In 2023,the number of bolls per unit area and seed cotton yield increased significantly by 9.72%and 7.66%,respectively.Correlation analysis showed that root length density in 0-60 cm soil layer,root biomass density in 0-60 cm soil layer,maximum growth rate of root length,and the proportion of root length in 30-60 cm soil layer are extremely significantly correlated with seed cotton yield.[Conclusion]Delaying the sowing date(1 May)in cotton planting area of the Yellow River Basin can enhance the absorption function of cotton roots by increasing the growth rate of roots,the proportion of root length and biomass in deep soil layers,so as to ensure the accumulation of aboveground dry matter and promote the high yield of cotton.


省部共建华北作物改良与调控国家重点实验室/农业农村部华北节水农业重点实验室/河北省作物生长调控实验室/河北农业大学农学院,河北 保定 071001保定市农业农村局种子工作站,河北 保定 071001


cottondelayed sowingroot systemroot lengthbiomassroot-shoot ratioyield

《棉花学报》 2024 (003)

181-193 / 13


