Architecture and Key Techniques for the Cryptographic Running Security
With the wide application of networks,the problem of cyberspace security becomes more and more important.Cryptography,as the fundamental core technology for protecting cyberspace se-curity,is also becoming the technical focus.With the development of network and cryptographic attack technology,relying on static security concepts such as cryptographic design security and cryptographic engineering security can no longer meet the increasingly critical security needs of many cryptographic applications.It is urgent to conduct comprehensive research on the cryptographic running security.Based on the basic principle of cryptographic security of design and engineering,focusing on the cryp-tographic protection of vital network and information systems and the threats faced by cryptographic applications of information systems,this paper proposes the concept of cryptographic running security,analyzes the connotation and evolution process of cryptographic running security.Furthermore,this paper constructs a requirement model,a protection system,and an engineering framework for crypto-graphic running security.Based on this,some key techniques related to cryptographic running security are analyzed and summarized.Finally,this paper summarizes the challenges and opportunities faced in the field of cryptographic running security,points out the major issues that require in-depth study,which is anticipated to promote scientific research and modern governance in the field of cryptographic running security.
清华大学计算机科学与技术系,北京 100084清华大学高等研究院,北京 100084中国科学院信息工程研究所,北京 100085||海南大学密码学院,海口 570228
cryptographic running securitycryptographic designcryptographic engineeringvital network and information system
《密码学报》 2024 (3)