

Spatial Evolution Characteristics and Driving Mechanisms of Rural Settlements in Coastal Areas of Jiangsu Prov-ince:A Case Study of Yancheng City



Scientific understanding of the spatial evolution characteristics and driving mechanisms of rural settlements is the basic premise of the orderly reconstruction of rural settlements,and is also one of the important contents of current ru-ral geography research.In this study,with Yancheng,a coastal city in Jiangsu Province,as an example,various methods such as kernel density estimation,spatial"hot spot"analysis and landscape pattern index are employed to explore the spa-tial evolution characteristics and driving mechanisms of rural settlements in the coastal plains of Jiangsu Province,based on land use data from three periods spanning from 1980 to 2020.Results indicate:(1)From the perspective of spatial dis-tribution,rural settlements in Yancheng City exhibit obvious aggregation characteristics,with density distribution being high in the northwest and low in the southeast,and the directional distribution along roads,county town and big towns gradually strengthening;(2)In terms of scale structure,from 2000 to 2020,rural settlements in Yancheng have witnessed an increase in size,a decrease in quantity,and continuous improvement in land intensification,showing the characteristics of large-scale,low-density distribution,and small-scale,high-density distribution;(3)Regarding landscape morphology,settlement patches tend to be regular,primarily manifested as dot,strip,and block expansion patterns;(4)The spatial changes in settlements result from the comprehensive effects of natural environment,economic development,locational transportation,and policy regulation,with economic development serving as the main driving forces for the evolution of ru-ral settlements,and the driving effect of regional development policies becoming increasingly significant.


南京信息工程大学地理科学学院,江苏南京 210000南京信息工程大学地理科学学院,江苏南京 210000||盐城师范学院城市与规划学院,江苏盐城 224000



rural settlementsspatial evolutioncoastal Jiangsurural revitalizationYancheng City

《生态与农村环境学报》 2024 (007)

888-896 / 9


