

Creation and quality analysis of new autotetraploid materials in flowering Chinese cabbage


[目的]本文旨在创制优质的菜薹四倍体新材料.[方法]用 2 g·L-1秋水仙素溶液点滴二倍体菜薹LCX019 幼苗的子叶生长点,通过形态学、解剖学、细胞学与流式细胞仪的方式筛选鉴定出同源四倍体植株,并对二、四倍体植株的农艺性状以及品质特性进行分析比较.[结果]形态学与解剖学结果显示,同源四倍体菜薹在株型、叶片、花、种荚、菜薹等方面表现出"巨大性"的特点;气孔孔径变大,气孔密度下降;花粉粒体积相比二倍体增大,形状呈橄榄球形或不规则形状.细胞学结果显示,四倍体菜薹根尖染色体数目为二倍体的 2 倍;流式细胞仪的分析结果表明,四倍体的DNA荧光强度约为二倍体的2 倍.四倍体菜薹的可溶性糖、有机酸及纤维素含量显著增加 76.17%、13.71%和 80.34%,叶绿素含量、硝态氮含量显著下降25.01%、45.10%,可溶性蛋白含量无显著变化.通过分析二、四倍体的光响应曲线与光合特性,发现四倍体菜薹LCX019对弱光的利用能力强于二倍体植株.[结论]获得了具有优良品质的菜薹同源四倍体新材料,为菜薹育种提供新的种质资源.

[Objectives]The paper aimed to create a new autotetraploid material with good quality.[Methods]The cotyledon growth point of the diploid Brassica campestris LCX019 seedlings was dripped with 2 g·L-1colchicine solution,the autotetraploid plants were identified by morphological,anatomical,cytological and flow cytometry methods,and the agronomic and quality characteristics of diploid and tetraploid plants were analyzed and compared.[Results]The results of morphology and anatomy showed that the plant type,leaf,flower,seed pod and bolt of the autotetraploid campestris showed"gigantic"characteristics,the stomatal diameter became larger and the stomatal density decreased.The size of pollen grains was larger than diploid,and the shape of pollen grains was rugby ball or irregular.The results of cytology showed that the number of chromosomes in the root tip of tetraploid was about twice that of diploid.Flow cytometry analysis showed that the DNA fluorescence intensity of tetraploid was about twice that of diploid.The contents of soluble sugar,organic acid and cellulose in tetraploid B.campestris significantly increased by 76.17%,13.71%and 80.34%,while the contents of chlorophyll and nitrate nitrogen significantly decreased by 25.01%and 45.10%,respectively,there was no significant change in soluble protein content.By analyzing the light response curve and photosynthetic characteristics of diploid and tetraploid plants,it was found that LCX019 had stronger ability to utilize weak light than diploid plants.[Conclusions]The new tetraploid material with high quality was obtained,which would provide new germplasm resources for the breeding of flowering Chinese cabbage.


南京农业大学作物遗传与种质创新利用全国重点实验室/农业农村部华东地区园艺作物生物学与种质创制重点实验室/园艺作物种质创新与利用教育部工程研究中心,江苏南京 210095无锡市惠山区洛社镇农业农村局,江苏无锡 214187



flowering Chinese cabbageautotetraploid,colchicinephotosynthetic characteristicsquality identification

《南京农业大学学报》 2024 (004)

643-652 / 10


