Numerical simulation of sedimentation in pressurized deep tunnel of Donghu Lake
基于Godunov型有限体积法建立了能模拟有压管道冲淤的一维水动力-固体物输移-管道冲淤数学模型,并基于该模型模拟预测了大东湖深隧有压管道内的固体物淤积过程,探讨了深隧淤积后的水力冲刷效果.研究结果表明,深隧按现状条件下运行时,管道长期使用基本不会发生淤积,但当遇到极端情况致使固体物浓度达到一定程度时,管道发生明显淤积.当管道最大淤积厚度达到30 cm时,采用水力冲刷将前期淤积物全部冲刷完所需的时间约为16~24 h.
Based on the Godunov-type finite-volume method,a one-dimensional numerical model is developed to simulate hydrodynamics-solid transport-bed deformation in pressurized pipeline.This model is then employed to predict the sedimentation process in the deep tunnel of Donghu Lake and the hydraulic flushing effect after deposition is also investigated.It is found that sedimentation will not occur during long-term running under the current operating conditions.Nevertheless,when encountering extreme situations that result in solid concentration reaching a certain level,obvious sedimentation will occur along the pipeline.About 16~24 hours are needed to flush out the pre-deposits when the maximum deposition height in the pipeline reaches 30 cm.
武汉大学水资源工程与调度全国重点实验室,湖北武汉 430072中建三局绿色产业投资有限公司,湖北武汉 430074
pressurized pipelineerosion and deposition in pipelineHLLC solverdeep tunnelslot method
《泥沙研究》 2024 (003)
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