

Experimental study on the control effect of sediment blocking and discharge system in the lower reservoir of Hunyuan Pumped Storage Power Station



Setting up a sediment blocking and discharge system is one of the effective methods to alleviate the sediment problems in pumped storage power stations.To verify the sediment control effect of the sediment blocking and discharge system in the lower reservoir of Hunyuan Pumped Storage Power Station,physical model experiments were conducted to verify the sediment control effect under different frequency flood inflows.By comparing the sediment transport and suspended sediment characteristics of sediment blocking and discharge systems with and without sediment blocking dam,the sediment retention effects of the two systems were demonstrated,and their influencing factors were further analyzed.The results show that the sediment entering the lower reservoir is directly related to the upstream water and sediment conditions in the absence of a sediment blocking dam,with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.8.After the construction of the sediment blocking dam,the amount of sediment entering the lower reservoir significantly decreases,the suspended sediment particle size is refined,and the sedimentation of the blocking reservoir is the main influencing factor of the sediment interception effect,with correlation coefficients greater than 0.7,while the influence of upstream water and sediment conditions is relatively small.


中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100048中国电建集团北京勘测设计研究院有限公司,北京 100048中国电建集团北京勘测设计研究院有限公司,北京 100048中国电建集团北京勘测设计研究院有限公司,北京 100048



sandy riverpumped storage power stationsediment blocking and discharge systemsediment con-trol effectiveness

《泥沙研究》 2024 (3)



