

The analysis of the spatial differences and the influencing factors of the utilization benefit of farmland in the black soil region of Northeast China


耕地利用效益是评估区域耕地利用协调程度的必要前提,也是农业高效可持续发展的重要保障.本文以东北黑土区为研究区,依据耕地利用系统理论,构建"经济-社会-生态"效益框架,运用综合评价法、探索性数据分析法与地理探测器模型,从县域尺度分析2020 年东北黑土区耕地利用效益空间差异和影响因素.结果显示:1)耕地利用综合效益、经济效益和生态效益整体上均呈现为由南部和中部平原地区向西部和北部低丘缓坡地形区减少趋势,社会效益则主要表现为由南部向北部递减的分布趋势.2)耕地利用综合效益整体上具有显著的集聚特征,高集聚主要在辽宁省南部以及北部黑龙江省县域范围分布,低集聚则集中分布在东部内蒙古和中部吉林省县域.3)从影响因素来看,黑土区耕地利用综合效益中气候、农业机械化程度和农作物复种指数是关键影响因素,且因素间的交互作用影响更加显著.为更好的提升黑土区耕地利用效益,需要把握乡村振兴协作、保护经营机制、农业综合措施和绿色技术创新等方面的促进作用,实现农业资源高效利用和可持续发展.

Farmland utilization benefit is used as necessary prerequisite for evaluating the degree of the coordination in regional farmland utilization,which is also an important guarantee to make agriculture develop efficiently and sustainably.Taking the black soil region in Northeast as the research area and applying the system theory for farmland utilization,this paper constructed an"economic-social-ecological"benefit framework is constructed to analyze the spatial differences and the influencing factors of the benefits of the Northeast black soil region in 2020 by the comprehensive evaluation method,the exploratory data analysis method and the geographic detector model.Results show that:1)In general,the comprehensive benefits,the economic benefits and the ecological benefits of farmland utilization are decreasing from the southern and central plain areas to the western and northern gentle slope areas,while the social benefits are decreasing from the south to the north;2)In general,the comprehensive benefit of farmland utilization shows the characteristics of significant agglomeration.High agglomeration is mainly distributed in the southern part of Liaoning Province and the county-level areas in the north of Heilongjiang Province.And low agglomeration is concentrated in the county-level areas of eastern Inner Mongolia and central of Jilin Province,and 3)As for the influencing factors,climate,the degree of agricultural mechanization and the replanting index are used as key influencing factors in the comprehensive benefits of black soil farmland utilization.And the interaction among factors has a more significant impact.To improve the benefit of farmland utilization in the black soil area and to achieve efficient utilization and sustainable development of agricultural resources,this paper suggests to give full play of the promoting role of rural revitalization cooperation,protection of management mechanisms,comprehensive agricultural measures and green technological innovation.


东北农业大学公共管理与法学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030||黑龙江省土地遥感大数据技术创新中心,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030中国地质大学公共管理学院,湖北 武汉 430074东北农业大学公共管理与法学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030



comprehensive benefits of farmland utilizationspatial differencesinfluencing factorscountyNortheast black soil region

《农业现代化研究》 2024 (003)

409-421 / 13

国家自然科学基金(42101217);中国博士后科学基金(2021M700738,2022T150103). National Natural Science Foundation of China(42101217);China Post-doctoral Science Foundation(2021M700738,2022T150103).

