

Effect of raised blade on cavitation performance of centrifugal pumps


提出一种在叶片工作面布置隆起结构来提高离心泵抗空化性能的方法,基于RNG k-ε湍流模型和Kubota空化模型对离心泵非定常工况下的空化流动进行数值模拟,并对初始叶型和隆起叶型下的空化发展进行对比分析.结果表明:在未发生空化阶段,隆起叶型的泵扬程较初始光滑叶型有小幅度下降;在空化数减小至0.43时,隆起叶型的扬程大于原始叶型,其中隆起直径为2 mm的扬程最高;隆起结构延缓了空化的发生,表现出对空化现象的良好抑制效果;在空化发展阶段,叶片工作面的隆起结构增大了叶片工作面面积和表面粗糙度,改变了叶轮内部流道结构,在近壁面处形成了相对高压和高湍动能区域,增大了压力梯度,减小了叶轮进口低压区面积,有效抑制空化的发生和发展,减小空泡体积;在不同的空化发展阶段,隆起结构在工作面的不同位置未对空化发展产生明显影响.

A method was proposed to improve the cavitation performance of centrifugal pumps by arran-ging a raised structure on the blade working surface.Based on the RNG k-e turbulence model and Kubota cavitation model,the three-dimensional unsteady cavitation flow was numerically simulated,and the cavitation development under the initial blade profile and raised blade profile was analyzed in detail.The simulation results show that the head of the raised blade profile is slightly lower than that of the initial smooth blade profile before cavitation occurres.When the cavitation number is reduced to lower than 0.43,the head of the raised blade is higher than that of the initial blade,the head with 2 mm raised diameter is the highest.The raised structure delays the occurrence of cavitation and shows a good inhibition effect on cavitation phenomenon.In the stage of cavitation development,the raised structure of the blade working surface increases the area and surface roughness of the blade working surface,which changes the internal flow channel structure of the impeller,forms a relatively high-pres-sure area and high turbulent kinetic energy near the wall.The pressure gradient increases,and the area of the low-pressure area at the impeller inlet reduces,which effectively reduces the cavitation volume,and inhibits the occurrence and development of cavitation.At different stages of cavitation development,the raised structure at different positions on the working face has no significant impact on cavitation development.


江苏大学国家水泵及系统工程技术研究中心,江苏镇江 212013



centrifugal pumpraised bladecavitation suppressionnumerical simulation

《排灌机械工程学报》 2024 (007)

649-656 / 8


