

Evolution law of soil salinity in cotton fields with long-term drip irrigation under membrane


为探索棉田长期采用覆膜滴灌技术是否存在土壤积盐的问题,2009-2013年对新疆玛纳斯河灌区5块不同膜下滴灌年限盐碱地棉田土壤可溶性总盐和离子进行了连续定点监测.分析并呈现了现行灌溉制度下应用膜下滴灌技术1-16 a盐碱地棉田可溶性总盐和离子时空演变规律及盐分组成变化.结果表明:滴灌4 a内棉田属于盐土,可溶性总盐由最初的20.44 g/kg快速下降至7.98 g/kg,棉花产量及成活率快速增加.滴灌12 a以后,棉田可溶性总盐小于2.57 g/kg,棉田属于非盐化土,棉花成活率基本稳定在84.53%以上,单产超过5 100 kg/hm2.随着滴灌年限的延长,棉田土壤中的钠吸附比(SAR)和w(Cl-/SO42-)(Cl-与SO42-质量比的比值)逐年降低,说明现行灌溉制度下土壤碱化度逐年降低,阴、阳离子的组成也逐年发生变化,Cl-的淋洗效果优于SO42-.

In order to explore whether there is a problem of soil salt accumulation in cotton fields with long-term application of membrane drip irrigation technology,continuous fixed-spot monitoring of total soluble salts and ions in soils of five saline cotton fields with different years of under-membrane drip ir-rigation was carried out in Manas River Irrigation District,Xinjiang,from 2009 to 2013.The spatial and temporal evolution patterns of total soluble salts and ions and changes in salt composition in saline cotton fields under the current irrigation system with the application of drip irrigation under membrane for 1-16 years were analyzed and presented.The results show that within 4 years of drip irrigation,the cotton field is saline,and the total soluble salt decreases rapidly from the initial 20.44 g/kg to 7.98 g/kg,and the cotton yield and survival rate increased rapidly.After 12 years of drip irrigation,the to-tal soluble salt of cotton field is less than 2.57 g/kg,the cotton field belongs to non-salinized soil,and the cotton survival rate is basically stable at more than 84.53%,and with a yield are more than 5 100 kg/hm2.With the extension of drip irrigation,the sodium adsorption ratio(SAR)and w(Cl-/S04-)(the ratio of the mass ratio of Cl-and SO4-)of the soil of cotton field are decreasing,indicating that the alkalinity of the soil under the current irrigation system has been reduced yearly.Under the current irrigation system,the soil alkalinity decreases year by year,and the composition of anions and cations has also changed year by year,and the leaching effect of Cl-is better than that of SO2.


石河子大学水利建筑工程学院,新疆石河子 832003||现代节水灌溉兵团重点实验室,新疆石河子 832003



mulched drip irrigationplanting yearssaline-alkali soilsaltsionscotton yield

《排灌机械工程学报》 2024 (007)

736-742 / 7


