

Design analysis and test of piezoelectric stack pump based on amplification mechanism


为了克服压电叠堆输出位移较小、对泵振子泵送能力弱的缺点,综合杠杆铰链与三角形铰链结构性能优点,提出基于放大机构的压电叠堆泵,分别开展理论放大倍数分析、ANSYS仿真分析、流固耦合分析及泵送性能试验测定研究.结果表明,压电叠堆泵仿真放大倍数约为20.3时,与理论计算值相对误差为11.7%;ANSYS仿真分析表明,泵振子的二阶频率对应的弯振为最佳振型,该振型对应的工作频率为1 356.30 Hz,在该工作频率下对压电叠堆泵进行流固耦合分析,得出泵送流量为41.78 mL/min.在上述研究分析的基础上试制压电叠堆泵样机并进行泵送性能试验,发现在驱动电压50 V下,测得泵送流量为32.50 mL/min,仿真流量与试验流量相对误差为28.5%,进而分析了误差产生的原因,最大泵送压差值为13.7 mm.试验结果具有良好的稳定性,验证了仿真数据结果的可靠性,可为压电泵新型放大机构和压电叠堆驱动方式的进一步研究提供可靠参考.

In order to overcome the shortcoming of small output displacement of the piezoelectric stack and limited pumping capacity of the pump oscillator,a piezoelectric stack pump based on an amplifica-tion mechanism was proposed by integrating the performance advantages of lever hinge and triangular hinge structures.Theoretical amplification factor analysis,ANSYS simulation analysis,fluid-solid cou-pling analysis,and pumping performance experimental measurements were conducted.The results show that the simulation magnification of the piezoelectric stack pump is 20.3,with a relative error of 11.7%from the theoretically calculated value.ANSYS simulation analysis shows that the bending frequency corresponding to the second-order frequency of the pump oscillator is 1 356.30 Hz,and the fluid-solid coupling analysis of the piezoelectric stack pump at this operation frequency shows that the pumping flow rate of the pump is 41.78 mL/min.Based on the above research and analysis,the piezoelectric stack pump prototype was trial-produced and a pumping performance test was carried out.It is found that under a driving voltage of 50 V,the measured pumping flow rate is 32.50 mL/min and the relative error between the simulation flow and the test flow is 28.5%,and the cause of the error is then ana-lyzed,for which the maximum pressure difference is 13.7 mm.The test results have good stability,which verifies the reliability of the simulation data,and provides a reliable reference for further research on the new amplification mechanisms and piezoelectric stack pumps.


青岛农业大学机电工程学院,山东青岛 266109枣庄学院机电工程学院,山东枣庄 277160



piezoelectric stacklever triangle amplification mechanismfluid-solid couplingfinite element analysispump performance test

《排灌机械工程学报》 2024 (008)

764-770 / 7


