

Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Strong Winds in Shandong Province from 2016 to 2021


本文利用2016-2021年山东省1 886个气象观测站逐时大风观测资料和欧洲中期天气预报中心提供的ERA5客观再分析资料,分析了山东省大风的时空分布特征.结果表明,6年间山东省年均有1 476个气象观测站出现8级以上大风,春季大风约占全年的40.1%,每日10-17时时间段大风天气年均超过1 000站次,14时前后大风频率最高,偏北大风约占79.3%,北西北(NNW)方向最多.山东省北部沿海地区大风出现频率最高,站均30次以上,南部沿海地区和鲁中山区大风站均10~30次.6年间全省发生瞬时风力13级以上的共有14个站,12级以上的共有64个站,其中雷暴大风占据主导,最大风速为章丘站的39.9 m/s.系统性大风以爆发性气旋大风为主,大风分布与其移动路径及低压中心强度密切相关.高空冷涡是雷暴大风的主要影响系统,其中东北冷涡影响下大风次数占比达63.6%;低槽系统影响的大风发生次数次之,槽前型和槽后型天气系统对山东强对流天气影响机理不同.本文研究结果为山东大风天气的精细化预报提供了依据.

In this paper,the temporal and spatial characteristics of strong winds in Shandong Province from 2016 to 2021 were investigated by using the hourly wind data observed from 1 886 meteorological stations and the objective reanalysis ERA5 data issued by European centre for medium-range weather forecasts(ECMWF).It is found that annual average of 1 476 stations experienced strong winds for gale force 8 and above in Shandong Province.Strong winds in spring accounted for about 40.1%of the year.Annual average exceeded 1 000 stations around 10:00-17:00 BJT,with the highest frequency of strong winds around 14:00 BJT.The northerly winds accounted for about 79.3%,and their most occurrence direction were in NNW direction.Northern coastal area of Shandong Province was the highest occur-rence frequency regions of strong winds,over 30 occurrences per station.The southern coastal region and the central mountain region of Shandong Province had experienced 10~30 times.There are 14 sta-tions with strong winds for forces 13 and above,and 64 stations for forces 12 and above during 6 years(2016-2021),of which dominated by thunderstorm winds.The maximum wind speed was 39.9 m/s at Zhangqiu Station.The most dominantly strong winds affected by weather systems were caused by ex-plosive cyclone.The distribution of strong winds was related to the moving paths and intensities of low-pressure systems.The upper-level cold vortex was the main influencing weather system for strong winds with thunderstorm,of which under the influence of northeast cold vortex up to 63.6%.Then the second one was affected by the low-trough system.The front and back trough patterns had different in-fluences on severe convective weather in Shandong.


山东省气象防灾减灾重点实验室,山东 济南 250031||山东省气象台,山东 济南 250031中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院,山东 青岛 266100青岛市黄岛区气象局,山东 青岛 266400



strong windsstrong winds affected by weather systemsstrong winds with thunder-stormexplosive cycloneupper-level cold vortex

《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (008)

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国家自然科学基金项目(42275001);国家重点研究发展计划项目(2022YFC3004200);山东省气象局创新团队项目(SDCXTD2021-2);环渤海区域科技协同创新基金项目(QYXM202105,QYXM202306)资助 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42275001);the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFC3004200);the Innovative Research Team of Shandong Meteorological Bureau(SDCXTD2021-2);the Science and Technology Cooperation Innovation Fund Around Bohai Sea(QYXM202105,QYXM202306)

