

Practice and Implications of Supervision and Evaluation of E.U.Framework Programme



The E.U.Framework Programme has established a relatively complete and scientific monitoring and evaluation system in the process of implementation.This paper analyzes the objectives,frameworks,methods,and practices of pre-implementation,on-going,and post-implementation evaluation of the E.U.Framework Programme.It's believed that the supervision and evaluation of the E.U.Framework Programme focuses on promoting the smooth implementation of the plan as the core objective,clarifying the internal logical relationship of plan implementation through logical framework,and reasonably setting the evaluation content according to different management stages.In the process of evaluation,it makes full use of the existing information base,and reasonably applies bibliometric analysis,key impact path analysis,baseline and benchmarking analysis,and other methods to enhance the objectivity,scientificity,and accuracy of the evaluation.Combined with the implementation of China's major science and technology plans,this paper proposes relevant suggestions on designing evaluation activities based on different management stages,strengthening the application of quantitative evaluation methods,and enhancing the use of supervision and evaluation results,aiming to provide useful references for the construction of China's major science and technology plan supervision and evaluation system.


科技部科技评估中心,北京 100081科技部科技评估中心,北京 100081科技部科技评估中心,北京 100081科技部科技评估中心,北京 100081科技部科技评估中心,北京 100081


the E.U.Framework Programmesupervision and evaluationmajor science and technology plan

《全球科技经济瞭望》 2024 (5)


